The Husky Bro

Stop justifying this nonsense.

The Return Of The Mack

Oh, Fish Pills happened but not bringing anyone back from the Framework? Sigh.

Not that, dammit. So what happens to Mack?

LOL so we're okay with pulling Fitz out of there because Jemma but Mac and stay because he got sucked into a digital dream fueled by an ancient book of evil that can be simply be reprogrammed to eliminate the scenario he's focused on and he'll probably forget just as soon as the new program kicked in like was done to

He's a SHIELD Agent, he'd get over it

and when they eventually get the Darkhold, then what?

it's a computer program, someone could just re-write the damn thing and take out Hope and get Mack the hell out of there.

Sorry but that's load of crap. So what's the plan, keep the Framework running for the next 50 years until Mack dies? On SHIELDs budget?

there are other women on the planet.

Yes like the team respected Fitz's free will?

Her two awesome dads? What?

They better do something LMD Tripp and Hope, something! Daisy should have KO'D Mack and pushed him into the Terminator pit. This is bullshit.

This episode gets a goddamn F until we find out what happens to Mack. Leaving him in digital Sunken Place is some bullshit. It's bad enough that Tripp gets jacked over AGAIN now you had to bring Hope in on the fuckery? F dammit, F.

Had either "Emo" Barry Manilow or Chris Gaines been the one to pop out of that Savitar suit, that would have been more satisfying than another stupid version of Barry.

I liked this show when it was 30 Rock.

DaddyOFive certainly has a type that Daddy likes

Smallville was bad until the creators said F*CK IT and went full on fanboy. Like it it or spike it, but Smallville seasons 7-10 set the stage for the CW/DC Universe as we know it.

I would pay good money to watch a show with Christopher Titus and Bamford portray a married couple

Mr. Sweetface Mariah Carey "I don't know her" Lina and then pondering why some people don't like one another, all while trying to perfect wiping…He's the real MVP