The Husky Bro

I laughed way more than I should have at James getting clocked with that platter

…another streaming service? Nope, I'm not paying for that. Sorry YJ

I vote for you to be the head writer next season

The CC Jitters owner certainly has a legit reason to be pissed at The Flash

I miss Sitting On Barry's Lap Christmas Iris

1. Ah the same excuse that Agents Of SHIELD truthers used to justify the senseless killing of Tripp.
2. What show did she go to?

Patty was great until the writers turned her into a wimpy ass whiner

Wait…could Savitar be Iris?

Jesus. That's so simple that it has to be legit. That will piss me off because I've been thinking that it's dead Eddie Thawne

Brain Freeze is a helluva drug

I always thought that this was going to end with LMD Ward becoming a reality…they better bring Trip and Hope over, too, dammit.

Never forget.

He did make choices that was guided…by Hand (ha!) instead of Garrett.

Sad Ward reminded me of Dixon Hill's (Captain Picard) Holodeck police buddy Lt. McNary at the end of Star Trek The Next Generation ep The Big Goodbye when he asks Picard

That ain't hard to do, though.

"The show has had higher highs"

Aww Hindu Chuck Bartowski died way too soon. He and Lena were so cute together.

No she isn't.

how will he make ends meet? Pretty damn well down at the strip club!
