
I'm not sure if the blue people have aged well, but at the time the 3D effects were amazing!

300 is a dumb, fun adaptation of a dumb, fun comic. Watchmen is a boring, dumb adaptation of a groundbreaking, brilliant comic. 300 was about as good as a 300 movie could possibly be. Watchmen had tons of wasted potential.


I stand corrected!

That, and the Victor Frankenstein origin movie. Both of them were pretty bad, by all accounts. This at least looks like it could be entertaintaining, but by turning The Mummy into a gritty modern-day action/thriller it seems to be jettisoning most of what made the original story unique.

You're really not missing much with Skyrim's story missions, don't worry about that one. Post-Morrowing, Bethesda-developed MMO's are great at exploration, and thoroughly underwhelming at story.

Easy money and more recognition.

You're the worst.

You're the worst!

I used to feel that way, but the more I learn about digital effects the more I realize there can be just as much ingenuity as there is with practical. The process is a bit more opaque and less improvisational, but the magic is still there.

FAKE NEWS. Everyone knows cats are a hoax, just like leprechauns or India!

This is a cease and desist notice: Buttery Diarrhea is a trademarked Regal Cinemas inorganic popcorn flavoring.

Hey, at least the five-minute clip from GitS made sense on the most basic possible filmic level!

Japanese-Americans make up roughly .05% of the American population. They're probably underrepresented in Hollywood even considering that, but even if they were represented on par with their percentage of the population they're not exactly going to be headlining every movie.

Social justice? Is that some strange new kind of lesdom where they dress up as Batwoman before punishing the evil, sexy criminals?

The characterization is consistent enough. What threw me is the drastically lower quality of Episode 4's Vader helmet.

Rogue Two can be about the Death Star 2 plans. Finally, Bothans!

Change that to nearly boiling-hot. Also, chemicals called PCB's may be a factor, which are 80% higher in smoked varieties as opposed to air-dried.

Yeah, that's one of the biggest criticisms I have with the Disney franchise so far (which I'm overall cautiously optimistic about, even if it is a Jurassic World-esque soft reboot.) After what happened with his son I can see Han going, ahem, solo, leaving Leia and his position in the resistance. But to completely go