
I read them sometimes, depends what we are talking about, maybe not a for a game, for a serivce I'm not too sure about (Not a shady-kind, just not-too-sure as in don't know much about it really.) I sometimes skim through it, not at all that thoroughly as one should but still.

Dear god I hate auto-play videos. I think we should fix this issue first before we start building space-rings, otherwise they'll just go 6 vs 4 on us.

How else am I to learn?

I can't stop laughing with him. I love how it's so genuine.

Yes, they look quite young. I wouldn't dare to guess how young though. I wouldn't use that as defense though (and yeah, I got that you were semi-serious), because I myself was born in '92

I don't get it... How can the thought not occur? How many times/how many situations has a armband been worn on that exact position?

"As we add affixes to them and they become Seasonal Legendaries, these items will no longer drop in non-Seasonal games. Once the Season ends, these items will roll over to the regular loot pool for all game types, complete with their shiny new Legendary affix!"

UPDATE: Assassin's Creed Unity, Far Cry 4 and The Crew are all back on the Steam storefront in the United States.

I see your point. Not sure how simple it would be to implement though. Maybe it could be much around the juridic part when it comes to what they can change with current subscribers that effects payment(s)? But what do I know, maybe you know what your talking about! If that is so, yes it's quite cheap not to implement

Just wait until your premium runs out? You have paid for it already so... I don't see the issue really? Am I missing something?

Thanks this is really awesome. I suffer from GAD (among others...), and I've been going to therapy since I was 16 years.

+1 Agreeing with you (To some part, I can't say BFBC2 Vietnam was a remake of BF Vietnam, not more than it was meant to be at least.)

"Hello Microsoft, this is Square Enix. We were wondering, do you know any ways we could at least halve sales of Tomb Raider? ... You DO?!"

Probably quite some. This story reminds me somewhat about when DICE went EA.

It's just that you my friend, have a much more rational mind and it appears as if there's a huge amount of humans without any patient or objectivity out there.

This looks interesting! Let me know if you find anything not-so-good. Otherwise I really like this option.

*Sees title article - clicks - sees F2 as number 1 in list - approves and closes browser*

On your point "consider grabbing a book on philosophy" I can't do anything than to agree with you. But that phraseing, while correct, I can see some problems in it, I think it's important to be clear that it's a big difference going and picking up a book by a philosopher, and going picking up a book on philosophy - If

As a philosopher, I strongly suggest you read more philosophy before asking such questions. There's a book called "Philosophy of Science - A very short introcution" by Samir Okasha, I've been reading this myself the last weeks, it's on Google Books if you can't come over it elsewhere. After reading that, you'll have

Okay, I need to get some sleep...