Tyrannosaurs Wreck

I mean your premise seems to be that the opinions of professional reviewers can never be wrong. I really don’t agree. We’re not talking about climate change deniers or flat earthers here, opinions about video games aren’t “right” and “wrong” - like any art people’s experiences of games are all different. I have heard

damn. take a few deep breaths.

Wow, got your goat huh. Don’t really understand why but you do you. All I’m saying is *play* a game, *watch* a movie, *listen* to an album before you close the door on it in your mind. Don’t let someone else’s opinion, whether it’s a “professional” opinion or not, do your thinking for you.

Another detail they’re pushing is NPCs calling out to their fallen goons by name. “Johnny! No!” lol. Yea, I’m gonna get a kick out of all of this. Don’t they know I’m twisted? Clickers, humans, dogs- I’ll do whatever it takes to survive...

Eexactly- and it’s not like they lack options. The game has a stealth system- why not allow for stealthing around enemies. If I kill the guard in a situation because I want to avoid 5 minutes of sneaking past him and the game tells me I’m a monster for doing that, then I get that.

Someone put it far better than I, but it’s like these games only give you a violent means of conflict resolution, then criticize you for making that choice. The GTA series is really guilty of this, and I also thought Last of Us 1's ending was obnoxious in the same regard.

When I read this game gives you the choice of either murdering a dog or watching it whine over its dead owner I noped out. I’m tired of games only giving you violent means of resolution, then punishing you for taking that route, then calling that “commentary on the violence inherent to society.”

Even a positive review like this indicates naughty dog cant get past their own writing.

NO! I’m a vocal Star Wars fan on the Internet, I demand that you refeed me vomit from 40 years ago, but quippier!

I mean, this would be fine except for the fact that The Last Jedi is a much better film than The Force Awakens.

I feel like not enough is said about just how solid the women of SNL have been for the past, I dunno, ten years?

God I hope Cecily Strong gets a big break in a TV show or film or truly whatever. She’s been a trooper the past 7 years and is my favorite cast member and it’s sad how she’s used like human flex tape for this leaking ship.

Wanna see an SNL article not about Pete or the news anchor guys someday, all just “Cecily Strong shows up to work regularly, does good job, does not look like a candy cane with a bunch of tattoos on it.”

Anderson by a long shot. Burton has done some great stuff, but IMHO he usually gets mired in the third act and his stuff starts to drag by then. He’s got some major pacing issues.

You’re not wrong, but I’d say Noah Baumbach is more of the modern Woody Allen than Wes Anderson is.

Elsa’s not the main character, though, and her conflict isn’t the main focus of the movie. She’s more complementary to Jojo’s internal turmoil.

JoJo wasn’t the best movie of the year, but I thought it was pretty great. I also thought that Sam Rockwell deserved a best supporting nom for his performance.

Is Jojo Rabbit really a “Holocaust movie” though? Seems like a broad description that doesn’t actually fit the story. Is Inglourious Basterds a Holocaust movie by the same token?

If you think this one is bad, you should read their even worse and nonsensical ones for all the other contenders. These are probably the worse series of articles and criticism ever seen on this site.

When your title comes off like a hot take desperate for a listen... you definitely wont get one from me.