[Pelosi] may be using a different battle tactic than you’d prefer
[Pelosi] may be using a different battle tactic than you’d prefer
Nobody’s saying not to vote, just that one election isn’t going to beat back the tide of fascism.
that her chosen weapon has been to shout “sit down, shut up, and stop talking about concentration camps being bad, you uppity little shits” loud enough that Trump jumps in to say “hey yeah what she said” is the source of some criticism
If and when Trump drops the “N”-bomb, it will be the “Sandy Hook” moment, (where we have to decide what price our soul in exchange for a classroom of dead kids.)
This is happening, and it’s happening because there literally are no consequences. The government of the people, by the people and for the people has no clothes. Democratic party leaders aren’t fighting and we aren’t holding them accountable, so why should they? The out-and-out forces of darkness see that there is…
Let’s be honest, they’ve been perfecting the response for years: “THOSE people are allowed to say it in their rap songs and talking about each other, but the Leader of the Free World can’t use it? You’re the real racist because you hate white people so much that you want to police their freedom of speech.”
When Trump does drop an N-bomb in a rally, what do you think is going to happen? Is it going to be a record scratch moment, with all the MAGA hat wearers looking uncomfortably at each other, the crowd quieting down, Trump continuing to ramble, but slowly losing steam as he realizes the audience isn’t with him?
It’s fascinating to me that you still, after 2 and a 1/2 years, have to go to The Colbert Show to see even a still photograph of all the empty seats at his rallies. This has been going on for a while. It’s news that he’s actually talking to small crowds in large arenas, and it reinforces some pundits’ belief that…
Remember when candidate Hillary Clinton got lambasted in the media for calling Trump supporters (not even all of them!) “deplorable”? Jesus Christ. You know who I blame for all of this? View-from-nowhere media. They are the whole goddamn reason we are here.
That should be illegal, but no, keep allowing him to get away with horrid things like this. Americans will do nothing when Trump tries to cancel the results of the 2020 election if he loses. It’s so sad that a people refuse to remove a corrupt man from power when he never won in the first place.
Just a reminder that Joe Biden thinks Trump is an anomaly among Republicans and that once he’s out of office, they’ll all get serious about working with Democrats to serve the people of this country. Meanwhile Trump’s approval ratings go up each time he says this outrageously horrible shit. In case anyone needed…
They should fact-check her about only half being deplorable.
Worthless deplorable subhuman garbage.
“There are fine people on both sides.”
His cult has already killed.
Someone will die.
MAGA roundtable: “Ok, everyone’s got their anti-Semitic attack points ready for Democratic candidates, right?”
“Hilary Clinton should still apologize for calling them deplorables. Now, a word from our guest, Richard Spencer.”
Everyone except Trump will get burned.