
And a doctor of the language arts for you sir!

NO! The Nook HD+!

My dog looks at me and she is trying to tell me something, it'd be fun to know what's on her mind... only, let's keep her a dog still, I can't have another opinionated mind sleeping in my bed at night... I'll go crazy. (They're man's best friend for a reason.)

Wow... you just made that more confusing than you needed to. Just relax and stop trying so hard. It's simple really and yeah it's correctly written for the wording as structured sentance-ly.

This has to be an ironic statement? Right? Avoid idioms like the plague.

Eh... Google, just keep your good work for yourself, let Android users have something nice to show off.

Yeah... I was thinking the exact same thing.

Yeah, all the replies pretty much say it... but I think the best word that was used was dipshit.

Google Glass? I think we have the limit of design and function when it comes to holding something in our hands and touching the screen with our fingers... it's been perfected and polished to the point of apogee... I think the only next big innovation is rethinking what we have become so used to... but that comes in

uh... no, it can't jack you off under the table... not even practically.

Dude... you're a plain ass liar... a troll? This entire post/rant is nothing but trash talking, and I don't think you're fooling anyone but yourself.

That was hilarious!

I bought a Nook just before the Glowlight... and I've never felt stupid. I love mine. The clip-on light is the perfect ambiance and I'll never regret my NST... NEVER I say!

What are you smoking?

The theory that a deity created the living world.

Well, at least B&N will be working with Microsoft, I love the Nook, it deserves more credit... Amazon will be hurting bad now... not sure what direction they'll go, but there's no reason to buy the Fire anymore, glad to see that.

It's a trap to find all the users who are using cracked copies of Photoshop!

I remember the Sega Dreamcast... I read an article on how it barely made any money on the sales of the system itself but rather on the sale of games, then I came to realize how easily it was to buy or rip every game illegally... (I remember, I bought a Plextor for a crazy amount of money to rip my own) Sadly I now

Asking: "What are you looking for in an employee?" Works really well, it turns it around and puts you in a position of interviewer. If you hear some of the key words you used to describe yourself earlier, like; hard worker, someone who takes pride in doing this job, etc... then you know they're interested in you and

I beg to differ...