
Maybe it's the unfunny British guy or the horrible dialogue... but the cute kids couldn't save this dribble.

Yeah, not working on my android phone either... hmmm... so many signs are pointing to staying away from wp...

Here are my additions (by game title): Infamous, Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid, Ninja Gaiden, Heavenly Sword, Heavy Rain, ICO, Shadow of Colossus, Katamari, ... or are these even considered Sony characters at all?

Or maybe his spelling is above average depending on what his language of origin is. So, now who's the troll?

Wait... this is New York's WORST place? ...and now it's WORSE that before? I don't think I ever want to visit this place.

OK... I'm not familiar with other cloud services but I'm using one for the first time now with Google and I think it's pretty dang cool that all I have to do is put a track in my music folder and it automatically syncs to the cloud where I can grab it with my Android phone anywhere I want... and I think the whole free

Ha! I heart you very much sir.

Yikes! 3 days of constant uploading will definitely slow down my wifi, Pandora, but I guess I'm putting all my music in a safe place... still legalsounds lets me redownload my music anytime I want...

I still wish two people can access the same cloud library with different logins.... that's bugging me. We've got just under 3,000 tracks on my laptop and 45 minutes into the upload, only 12 are in the cloud so far... how long is this gonna take?

Ha! I thought the same thing, you said it better than I thunk it.

I don't think I really understand this "article" at all... (painfully struggling)... really?? Explain, please.

Soo... did they explain it correctly? Orr... what is your explanation of what the hell lulzsec means? It sounds like they aren't having much trouble explaining it at all...

I gave it a try for about 5 minutes, I will most likely go back when I'm ready to upgrade and give it a go again. Like I said, I really want to like it, but the clutter and unnecessary animations were just too "goofy" for me. It felt like it was trying too hard to be something special... eh, that's just my first

I'm really trying to like it. I WANT to love the design, but it's so scattered and goofy looking that it reminds me of the whole art for the sake of art type of design. I just can't get passed that.

True... but I guess there are some people who still need buttons for the sake of having buttons. I think cutting out some of the manufacturing costs by just using the touch screen for everything keeps the price lower too... just my two cents.

You don't need page turn buttons when you just touch the edge of the screen... and pow! forward, backward... bam!

Damn, Conan O'Brien got buff! He must be juicing with Carrot Top... damn!

That was one of the most annoying videos I have ever seen... thanks for sharing!

This is better than both...