If you want to be really furious watch the documentary "The Invisible War". One in three women are sexually assaulted in the military and they're more likely to be punished for reporting it than their attackers. Its absolutely ridiculous.
If you want to be really furious watch the documentary "The Invisible War". One in three women are sexually assaulted in the military and they're more likely to be punished for reporting it than their attackers. Its absolutely ridiculous.
I'd assume that it's not about women being sexy, it's about women being naked, vulnerable, and unaware that they're 'putting on a show' for men that they have probably rejected who feel that they're getting revenge for the woman turning them down that one time.
Also, shouldn't we be able to punish them in some way for that sign claiming to be the original chicken sandwich? Can they prove that no one ever ate a chicken sandwich until Chick-Fil-A came along?
Re: Mama June Sex tape:
Me IRL when I read the headline:
It's egregious when the woman is married.
Uh... Of course they can take care of themselves. It doesn't make it any less insulting to have executives try to pass you around celebrities to draw attention to the brand, especially if you're married. The article doesn't dismiss the women; the industry and the famous men do. This article is merely pointing that…
It is a weak, weak statement, but Hefner does get a couple points for not flat-out denying it could have occurred.
Women can't win. If we stay silent about our harassment/abuse, people will blame us for not saying anything. If we DON'T stay silent, we're still condemned or worse, killed. When are people finally going to understand that WE are not responsible for the actions of men? This man was so insulted that a woman would…
You had me until:
Ya know, I'm sick of seeing these comments shaming people for being single even if it's in jest. Like him or not he is attractive and charismatic. It's not that surprising he is not single especially when it's to another junkie with a savior complex like Kate. I'd much prefer to be single than to take the first POS…
Didn't he have domestic violence charges stemming from an altercation? They both were also substance abusers/enablers, no? Seems like this is a disaster waiting to happen.
Michael Lohan and Charles Manson are both married. I think Republicans are banning the wrong people from marriage.
And I'm still very, very, very single... and going to hug my dog now. :(
Not actually relevant to your point, I know, but I wanna let you know that Sarah Lawrence isn't actually a women's college. Just for the sake of fact-ness.
"If Hillary can run for president — she went through all that rigmarole." So a woman getting cheated on by her husband is equivalent to a man who is accused of being a long-term serial rapist. Interesting.
Alien bullet made from vitamins, dodged.
It's good to have that discussion. It's even more important to watch the way he ACTS when you have a joint responsibility - a dog, the need to care for a sick friend or parent, or to house-sit. And is he always late because of work but blows his top if you need to cancel? Talk is cheap or well-intentioned. The…
That's a reasonable dealbreaker.
It's never come up, but I could never be with someone who didn't love animals or who expected me to give up my pets.
When I was a student there, if you spoke publicly about your rape the case was dropped by the school board. That's how a friend ended up graduating two seats away from her rapist. She spoke up at Take Back the Night.