Tym T used to have some bimmers

The sad thing is, without the extremely wealthy keeping us laboring at building their fortunes, the amount of work we, the average human being, would actually need to do to build and maintain our world is practically trivial. That is how far our technological capabilities have come. The vast majority of the human race

The whole problem with conservatism today? The whole problem with conservatism is conservatism itself.

AOC’s the only politician who I can go “What’d she do now?” with a smile on my face

Big problems started by small-minded, greedy people will only be solved by brave and good people like AOC. She needs all our support.

She showed these fucks what it actually means to stand your ground.

You drank every drop of the koolaid. Good sheep.

Your utter lack of understanding where trains are far more useful and ecologically sound is astounding.

More trains is a fantastic idea; provided the implementation is sound. Here in Alberta there is a lot of talk about high-speed, light rail. It’s a good idea. Run a highspeed line right up the centre of the province from Calgary to Ft Mac. When you factor in the fact that we all have to drive to a major centre to catch

There have never, in the history of the world, been hundreds of trains made stationary because of a single $50 drone flying too close to the tracks.

This is the kind of purity and wonderful shit I need on a horrible thursday. 10/10

If your show car is a 4 cylinder Grand Am, the kids weren’t getting an inheritance anyway.

When someone has something real to say, but some toad interviewer wants to control their narrative and put them in a box, sometimes the only way to regain control of the message, is to goad the toad until it hops.

Wouldn’t call him an arrogant douche. Just a guy who doesn’t give a shit about Carlson’s power and mocking him for just trying to steamroll the conversation.

Fuck that. Nothing wrong with wielding the moral high ground.

Range Rover SVR?

This is actually pretty cool. My parents always have various “performance” cars but yet they drive slow as Christmas. Whenever I get into their cars, I change every setting to MaXiMuM aTtAcK setting (stiffest suspension, most responsive throttle etc). In their S7 it took a few minutes to change over settings.....

That’s actually a tougher call than I thought it would be...

I’m surprised I don’t see more of these, considering all the zombie apocalypse shit you see.

In the world of stupid shit you can wrap your car in I find these blood ones the least egregious really. This one is just asking for a lightning strike.

I want to make bumper stickers that say “I ❤️ MY DIVA CUP” so I can slap one on any of these I may encounter in the wild.