Tym T used to have some bimmers

Born and raised Texan, and I eat the hell out of beans in Chili. I do make a batch of “dog food” for the weirdos when I throw down though.

“I will not allow either my good name or the good name of the company I founded and love to be unfairly tainted.”

Good luck with that.

I disagree. Totaled after cars-n-coffee on 2nd day of ownership is a solid 4/5 Mustangs.

Nope. To this day I still have to explain what a GTR is to non-car people (coworkers on the way to lunch, etc.) when we see one. Surely I’m not alone.

I’m so glad I’m a Texan. 

Amazon can operate at a loss until the last competitor is gone. Then all the happy little doodad buyers will, maybe, know that they have fucked themselves.

No prob. I don’t Amazon or Walmart. Ever. 

David, face it. Your inner fender on most things it rusty and perhaps even jagged. You wouldn’t want a tire anywhere near that. Your mind knows. 

I’d go watch that if it was at night. 

I watched two minutes of that and my thumb broke itself and I’m my left wrist is tweaked. 

I could easily land that both behind my apartment and in the wide creek next door to work. Pretty sure it’ll be illegal before I finish this sentence though.

The tariffs, a tiny ripple in the giant sea of trade leverage China has over the US, made them move? Or did the shareholders demanding their profit? The global economy needs rebalancing and fuck the shareholders if they can’t take it. Stakeholders - you, me, “main st. USA” as they say, have been taking it in the ass

Yo Elon. Somebody needs a “clean up the diesel on my old 300D invention.” Probably a few gazillion of them. Is next week cool?

Generally speaking, they flood my inbox daily. 

BMW would.

It’s the promoter’s prerogative, clearly.  When I start that rallycross series in my head we will be properly served, out in the dirt as it may be. Harumph.

Was this just in the pits? Do they sell beer there? You know, racecar watching beer? You covered everything else so well. Asking for a me.