Tym T

Make it to the next Radwood in Sonoma.

It is important for cars to consciously share the road with bikes, but it is also important for bikes to consciously share the road with cars. I live outside oh Philadelphia now, but I lived in the city for about fifteen years. There came this point when people started moving from the West coast into town and they

You’re right, of course. I left Texas so I’m not trying to sell it. I just worked in a Latino-centric nonprofit for a long, grueling time there and still feel so run down by all colleagues and loved ones giving their blood, sweat, and tears still trying to make their home better (instead of leaving like I did) and

Let me take a wild guess that you aren’t Black. I’m Black. I live in Texas. I’m in Dallas often enough to not be surprised at the paper playing to its fan base. The pretentiousness that symbolizes Dallas is a facet of White supremacy itself and these proverbial ‘insults to injuries’ are ever-present in Dallas and

Bush is from Connecticut: Beyonce is from Texas.

Lord I know it’s easy to talk about Texas being garbage, but that’s inadvertently erasing a lot of good people doing good work. As of 2010 Texas is at least 51%+ Latino and almost 12% black.. Texas government is almost always trash but white supremacists WANT us to buy

You’re so welcome.

They went ahead and named someone from Boston as Texan of the year?

This. It’s OK to have a controversial figure - the politician who introduced a bill that may have negative impact, the conservative religious figure who ignited a new debate on abortion, etc. But Spencer is just an ass. He doesn’t lead shit, he just opened his yap and said some bullshit and a few other assholes

As I often say anytime a group of white people do something this tone deaf and stupid as shit...

“This designation is not meant as an award but as recognition of those Texans who had uncommon impact, which can be a positive or negative impact, during the past year,” the editorial section of the newspaper noted

Right. The way they say most of those “negative traits” are associated with people who are “obsessed with themselves.” Like protesting. Protesting for civil rights, the environment, etc. clearly offers no benefit to the rest of society and involves no risk for participants...This house sounds like the place I’d be

Douchebag Manor.

No, no, guys, look closely.

Yup. These folks are almost looking to get sued, particularly due to the “have been prescribed anything by a psychiatrist more than once” clause.

I find it hilarious that the resident says one of their goals is to find “low maintenance” people. That list sounds like the occupants of that house are insanely high maintenance, but I doubt any of them can remove their heads from their anuses for long enough to realize that.

Seeing as Chad was voted the new Bro a wile back. I suggest “Chadteau.”

So we can all start calling this place Wankalot now, right? Because clearly it is exclusively populated by wankers.

“ We want to get away from people who are obsessed with themselves “

“Startup Castle” doesn’t work for me. I suggest either “Bro Chateau” or “Shitadel”.