Tym T

Economically, yes. I’ve seen no difference between the neoliberal economic traitor on the right from the left. Right Hillary? Right Obama? Right Bush? Right Bill?

I’m glad you put in the caveat. The elite have an amazing propensity for stretching out the inevitable, and if I had a tinfoil hat for every year it has supposed to go to crap, well, I’d need quite a closet at my age.

Yep, looks Bangle to me. But I’ll pass.

Ugly-face contenders: Just go home. The game’s over.

Y’all are giving me ideas. Damn, another list. RL, Jamie Dimon, every supply-side economist in the last 40 years, Ajit Pai, nearly everyone else in DC...

I’d like to see more from Mark Cuban, frankly.

Almost sorry I laughed at that. Yeah, for cryin’ out loud, let the friggin’ employees be.

Over the last couple of days I’ve pushed my boundaries into previously-off-limits territory: Work and Family. I’ve talked with about 80 people, I would say. How many even new net neutrality was an issue? Zip, zero, nada, if you don’t count a couple young cousins who work in tech, and of course my wife and kids. Worse

Go ask 100 Joe Sixpacks on the street who that is. Prepare for disappoint.

Yeah, I’ll take that roast beef sandwich. Hold the cheese, that’s just gross.

I do believe they may be economists.

Well, if you’re going to have overhang...

Diamond Star Motors

Repair Log:

Yes! If you gotta have four GD doors, have some class, man.

Yeah, they look cold. Come to Dallas where it may never be cold again!

My perspective is purely from DIY. I advise friends and relatives to avoid them if they don’t do their own wrenching - unless they’re loaded and know that they’ll know a service advisor on a first-name basis. Some cars are just worth the hassles because of the driving experience. I’ve said I will likely always have a

Many do pay a fortune for simple repairs all cars come with. The rest of us? Nah.

Was. After this article’s comment section they’ll have agents dispatched to your area by Monday. So, Fort Langley, you say?

So I’m not crazy. This is great news!