Tym T

I do not understand the muscle cars and street rods.

Dammit. Here I am thinking I’m grabbing the snipping tool and becoming John Madden when I do that.

Thanks! Can’t quite believe I’ve never heard that one before. I’m pretty sure the invisible hand died before this, however - Citizens United, cough, cough... This is a dick in a hand costume.

“How do we bring people together, and ensure that there’s enough for all?”

Yes, important distinction you made there.

U mad, bro?

‘cause Texas.

There was a pic of a ball cap there a minute ago. I swear.

I just get a new one of these for $14 from the place I get vanos soleniods, oil filters, sensors...

You’re old.

What’s freaky is all the places I see Megan Markle now.

Well, sorry about what you want to believe and all, but... They’re all terrible drivers. And they’re all driving terribly in the right lane, waiting to murder those poor guardrails.

In some other countries they have a habit of leaving room to “escape” a hit from behind, IIRC. Now, they’re also supposed to move up to the line once traffic has formed behind them, but they’re usually texting by then. Or, they just stopped as fast as possible to begin texting, line be damned.

Ever notice this doesn’t apply to school buses?


Come wax my black car, please.

And when you do hit that windshield washer while in front of me, I’ll pass you and wash mine as many times as it takes to get the headlight washer to kick in, spraying everything in sight. My clean black car’s now spotted, so will be yours.

I work on Miller. The carnage in that area almost every morning is mind-blowing. If one has a death wish, yep, that right lane is all yours.

Right? I over here like: Hey, Big Brother, it’s OK with me if you put cameras on every inch of highway. Two conditions: Make the left lane 90mph, and photo-ticket anyone in it going 89 or below.

I hate when the highway signs with arrows pointing down to lanes aren’t centered over the lanes. I swear here in TX they put them on curves on purpose.