Tym T

Yeah, I know. I’ve been in mfg management a long time.

“On October 15, 1997, the Thrust SSC set a World Land Speed Record of 760.035 mph, and becoming the first and only car to break the sound barrier.”

This is Texas. We do what we want.

And does he have an A-Team van?

As you’ll notice from the comment below, we’re already shifting the robots to lower, ahem, cost, facilities. In time they’ll be everywhere and they will indeed do all the stuff. In the meantime what are we doing with the people?

Two thing my neighborhood proprietors have learned from my strict tutlege:

Yes, another place where companies can waste money buying ads people will intentionally go out of their way to avoid seeing.

The what?

I just say it’ll never happen out loud ‘cause usually the opposite happens. Reverse strategery.

“America wants crossovers.” Sounds legit every time I hear it. Ugh. Guess I’ll get the Gatorade and go water the dirt now.

I just find the nearest Shell and do the deed. Sometimes I notice the price has changed.

Please don’t honk I’m trying to pour a beer in here.

Hot rod.

I like dorky stuff. There’s a lot to like here.

The golden age of cars that are all great and all too expensive.

Strange. When frightened I flee to the Polo store.

Came for this. Not disappoint.

Vendor agrees.

You should be able to test out of this requirement.