Tym T

Yes, remove the Toyota truck design cues from the face of the damn thing for cryin’ out loud.

G vans rule. Mine did everything from camping to hauling firewood or toolboxes. It got hit by a drunk old geezer and took out all 3 rt. doors, so I put my diesel hybrid electric plans away for now. It does live happily relocating bees now though! I must have another.

Eh, I dunno. “Touring” has some baggage, as in “downtuned for comfort, still fast but..” Their wording means it’s a GT3, but with extra weight added to cart your butt around without bruising it too much. Oh, and you don’t have to have stripes either. There, go eat stuff.

Badass vehicle, yes, but I’m freaked out by anything where my feet live in the grille.

The point: Hell, it’s right there in two words. Pneumatic. Valves.

I can’t even.


Starred for Taylorism.

We’ll all be drinking Brawndo in no time. Thanks, Bezos.

I’m the same way with contractors. If your work truck’s a rolling garbage pit slathered in paint, you won’t be bidding. I know goes against the old joke about mechanics’ cars never getting worked on, but I don’t get my hair cut by someone with unintentional dreadlocks either...

CP just because if you can’t even vacuum the damn floorboard before taking pics of it we can’t even talk.

This. This is what has half the world fucked up. But what do I know? I’m just an engineer with two decades worth of watching the “shareholder economy” ruin most everything it touches.

You’re gonna need a benchtop machining center, mill-drill or such also. Not too pricey and with the aforementioned you’re good for whatever needs built/modded to work, etc.

You’re in my head. Without much exaggeration, every car I customize in my head these days gets a hybrid-electric mega boost go fast.

Wow, seems like they will never stop. If they ever do nail it, they won’t keep adding rotors until they’ve vanquished ever hater from all time (as would be natural) though. They’re just too nice and polite.

No, but it should go 100 mph, for, you know, crimes and all.

At one time I owned a magnificent G van and I’ve been accused of having that many bikes, but that’s not me. Mine was white.

“It takes mostly money to get there”

My current crush is Leah Pritchett. And then the Force girls. Total badass, all of ‘em. Oh dang, forgot Erica Enders. Girls be drivin’ the hell out of drag cars.

She’s right. Color it blue. Oh, hello baboon.