
It’s a circle, I mean look at the people who love Invading in Elden Ring/ Dark Souls community.

What do you think the overlap in the Venn diagram is between video game players that talk about how difficult games shouldn’t have easy modes (and probably use cheese strata to get through said difficult games) and players complaining about skill based matchmaking that reveals they aren’t as good as they think.

Re: making a physical copy of the game

There are other things of note :

I like the randomness of what cards I unlock. The opposite is you see the same deck over and over and over again as you move up the ranks because everyone gets the same cards and is going to run the “best” deck. I know this game isn’t going anywhere, so I’m not in a hurry to collect em all, and I’m having fun with the

The one place capitalism has yet to reach.


It doesn’t cost them more money for a copy of the game to be downloaded in the US than it does for the same copy of the same game to be downloaded “in Argentina”... we need to stop perpetuating the idea that “money a company feels they could have made” is the same as “money a company lost”.

I honestly can’t conceive of how cheating would even work here. The only info that would really have led her towards this decision is knowing the next cards, and what would that be, someone with x-ray vision communicating through a Lovense? It’s not plausible.

I can believe this. Sci-fi/fantasy fanboys (and fangirls) can be some of the most narrow-minded, bigoted section of fandom around. Ironic, in that your mind should be open to be able to accept all those amazing scenarios. Also...

Yeah, I remember playing GTA IV (is that the one with Niko?) and I would almost exclusively look at the mini map while driving. San Andreas I actually started to get used to the landmarks to navigate the game and drifted away from the mini map over time. But in the later two games the world was just so damn big I

I’m not a regular CoD player, but I have played in the past. Any action game that requires you to stare at a minimap is lame. It always sucks to feel like “oh I didn’t know that guy was there cause I wasn’t staring up at the corner of the screen”.

I wouldn’t expect it to be. Miles Morales wasn’t packed-in with Spider-Man on PS5; it was actually the reverse: Spider-Man Remastered (the game we’re talking about here) was a digital pack-in with the “Ultimate Edition” of Miles Morales on PS5.

It’s not solely a problem with Horizon Forbidden West, nor is it a problem limited to video games. You see it across popular genre fiction these days, as everything from Star Wars to the Marvel Cinematic Universe doubles down on plot over people, going so far as to fill in backstories for enigmatic characters who

I’m confused. I thought the Trumpnazi republicans said that antifa unicorns were responsible for the January 6th coup attempt.

Meh, BF3 is when the franchise started going downhill by removing the squad leader/commander aspect, making snipers worthless, and making most maps too big with badly placed flags.

Same. I like it, I like what it has to offer, but playing it on a touch screen is impossible and I find myself hitting wrong buttons even with remapping the screen and controls.

It wasn’t sneaking, I flew straight at you from off the top of a boat or shipping container half the time because Sundance is just that damn fun on Manifest.

When the most devout are the least moral. It has to be the #1 cause in the decline of religion in America ... and yet, try telling any of them that. They get apoplectic.