
What does the national anthem have to do at all with professional sports?

All I know is that the furry community got a lot of ammo today.


I dont know why but i always tought Peppy had a huge red afro on the first game

Yep, even before it was co-opted in opposition to Black Lives Matter, this was the problem with the Thin Blue Line flag. It speaks to a broken worldview that guarantees that the police will see themselves apart from the community, mistrusting it, and feeling like extreme force is required to keep things from spiraling

This commissioner illustrates the problem and doesn’t realize it. His “Us vs Them, we are the last line of defense against the fall of society” thinking will not accept any of the ideas that be talked about.

White House officials are concerned about the number of times Dr. Fauci has been wrong on things.”

While I agree that pressing the point gets shit done, it’s nobody’s business whom you decide to forgive. That’s her personal choice, not yours or mine.

Symptoms of PTSD can include rapid heartbeat, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, and anxious feelings.

F#%k these whiny babies. You know who legitimately has a right to claim PTSD, the photojournalist they blinded by aiming rubber bullets at her face

If they do actually have PTSD, it’s most likely the result of silently watching their colleagues murder people.

Lol. You listened to it. Lol. I just looked and keep going. Lol. 

Don’t forget mouth filled with salt and sewn shut. Learned that from Kolchak: The Night Stalker.

Who in the actual FUCK ungreyed you?

You’re trying to dialog with a persistent Kinja pest. They have no interest in anything beyond wasting your time. Flag. Dismiss. Shun.

Those clips I believe had about 100 to 200 rounds in each of them.

/downloads mod. “Okay, time to use my gun! Wait, where is my gun? Do I have to find it or equip it somehow?”

Yes the word he is thinking of is Stalinism or the like, fascism literally cannot come from the left.

Also, every single example he gives is a form of speech. He doesn’t even cite any actual threats or violence! He’s only concerned with people saying mean things to him, which would suggest he’s the one who wants to silence people.

‘Fas­cism can come from the far right or the far left’