I voted up your post because I agree with your thoughts on the tepidness of the show's exposition. However, I have to disagree on a few specific things:
I voted up your post because I agree with your thoughts on the tepidness of the show's exposition. However, I have to disagree on a few specific things:
My outrage doesn't extend beyond disappointment, but maybe that's because the term "political correctness" has been an overused red herring whose meaning is whatever the arguer makes of it.
Why is it that we can never wait until such creeps are dead before vindicating them with dramatizations?
As unpleasant as this news is, I can't say that I wouldn't be partial to a tongue-in-cheek, Adult Swim-esque revival of the show.
Damn, I was beginning to like this Peter character. He even seemed like a palatable contender for the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde role.
Slightly off-topic, but that's exactly my reasoning for believing that Xaro Xhoan Daxos' might come back.
The prospect that a Stark reunion beyond the Wall really excites me but I wish that Jon would have a stronger motive for abandoning the Night's Watch and venturing the North. His take-off made it seem like his excuse was just "…uh…because…uh…Mance Rayder, and…um…yeah…"
It's not impossible to forge a key, especially since the keyhole's engraving is open and visible enough for a molding.
Speaking of the vault, when do you suspect that the warlocks will make a reappearance?
"2, I can't imagine Dany surviving for 5 minutes without Jorah's help."
So as a non-reader, I have a few predictions:
Sorry for my coarse tone. The "your pathetic selves" jab was merely said out of frustration and wasn't intended to be a generalization.
Your comment is like a more to-the-point version of something that I read over on Wired.com.
Oh, she is. I'm glad that I was in the presence of somebody who regarded it as operatic surrealism/absurdity instead of as the horrid gap in Jamie's character-arch that I saw it as. It made the whole ordeal less painful to watch - by only by a little
My mom was laughing throughout the entire scene. She was building it up for me, saying "Oh you have to watch this. This is really funny and weird".
I would expect that Arya would feel like he got away easy. She'll find other targets for her vendetta.
"While tonight’s episode takes on the Drudge/Breitbart-fueled fear-mongering of riots and the "get over it" attitude in the wake of the Zimmerman verdict…"