I’m always amused when Dilfer bloviates with Steve Young standing right there. Young always gives him this look like, “What in the fuck are you saying?”
I’m always amused when Dilfer bloviates with Steve Young standing right there. Young always gives him this look like, “What in the fuck are you saying?”
wrong packer?
Who better to take advice on taking less shots than Carmelo Anthony?
it’s a good reminder that memory is fallible and that the media loves pouncing on fun stories with little-to-no fact checking
[shakes magic 8 ball] “Will the meteor come soon?”
While I miss my raiding days, I look back on them now and wonder how the hell I managed to do all that while simultaneously playing football. And I didn't even have to run the guild! Just show up and try to fool everyone into thinking multiple rogues were worth taking, as opposed to adding another mage/lock/hunter.
My grandpa died of pneumonia after about 10 years of Alzheimer’s disease. It’s an awful, awful ordeal for a family to go through. It’s almost like your relative dies slowly and then a little bit more and more until they finally do die. When they do you have a weird mixture of relief for them and sadness at their…
What about being hit by a car? If anyone could excel at that, it’d be Lebron.
No. Not even close. Jordan, apart from being one of the best scorers in NBA history, is far and away the best defender of the all-time great scorers. He’s up there with the greatest defenders of all time. Rings and records aside, it is Jordan’s defense that sets him apart from all other contenders to that title.
Not without a fight.
LeBron James and the Cavs just dunked all over Steph Curry and the Warriors, providing the fuel to run a thousand…
That makes no sense.
He believed it was important to bring up his own struggles in life in order to connect with the campers and make sure that his message resonated with them. As he told them, “If you can’t
take criticismget people to cover up your sexual assault, you shouldn’t be playing football.”
Yea, becaus when you inexplicably get away with hitting people in the dick time and time again, you should just be able to get away with it forever.
I can’t face the thought of playing without AoE looting again.
The White Walkers
Headline: Bald Eagle Pummels Canadian Goose After All
Seriously Ley, what are you, the Warriors Info Minister? That screen was clean and legitimate, and if Mosgov was moving it was just barely and totally under the threshold usually tolerated in the NBA (see Green, Draymond for further clarification).