
It really sucks being a Mets fan.

Fantastic wig! Good job and good effort by him.

Appreciate your interest

For Canada, no not at all. I wish though.

Yet many Canadians do not speak so highly of their healthcare system....

Have you been on hiatus? Not seen you post in awhile.

But Ryan’s jokes are not funny. That is part of the problem.

Taylor needs to work on her posture. It is piss-poor.

Or Maynard’s Pusifcer project

Guys, simply put the pressure got to Cam. Regardless if he was open or not Cam was rattled. He does not have the pocket mobility like Wilson or Rodgers. He kind of just stands there and pats the ball but mainly is a statue.

What a fucking asshole move on the gentle Giant. Shame on you Hassan.

This is racist. Please take it down.

That poop face is straight fire!

Totally justification for sulking like 5 year old for sure.

That’s the medias narrative. I know no one that thinks like this.

The Boos of thousands of jealous fans.

Is Boogie not to blame for some of this constant coach firing and losing? His Jay Cutlerish body language and tantrums scream poor leader. Comes across as he never takes any responsibly for their failure.

Kristen Leahy is not hard to look at. Not sure if she offers any substance though.

Wonder if Francesa uses a squatty potty?

She is straight up DTF. The things that tongue would do to Gronk would be Cardinal sins.