Does The Onion know you're using their font?
Does The Onion know you're using their font?
The YouTube awards did give us Greta Gerwig dancing to Arcade Fire, so I'll give it a pass.
Maybe there will also be a serial killer out to shine a light on America's latent prejudices by leaving a dead body on a bridge where one half of the body is American and the other is Mexican. No one's done that yet, right?
So we will get to see Saul managing a Cinnabon in Omaha?
Not sure I can believe in a universe that supports both Apple and Mapple.
Is Odenkirk going to be on this and Better Call Saul? Are they assuming Fargo will get cancelled before the BB spinoff goes into production?
This episode was basically a mash-up of the one where becoming Maggie's babysitter gives Moe a reason to live and "Flaming Moe's" (which was referenced on the drinks list at the Maker's Moe party). It wasn't as good as either of those episodes, though.
Can anything really "star" Robert Wahlberg?
Next season on The Following: The Deconstructionist.