Tyler Foster

Then again, perhaps I shouldn't assume The AV Club caters solely to US readers.

I'm pretty sure there is not actually a US Blu-ray for the movie, although the UK one is region-free.

I am only disappointed that you did not ask her about playing a scientist studying hyper-intelligent gorillas in the pilot for "The Middleman."

Also entirely possible — perhaps we're the ones presuming this was a race joke.

If he was switching Ls and Rs the whole movie that would be more of a caricature, but he fits into the movie's overall exaggerated comic tone.

I think the movie gets away with it because it's not a recurring joke. He has no problem saying "red snapper." In that way it could be argued the characters are making that joke on purpose.

It doesn't seem like Jay Levey likes Gene Kirkwood very much.

He plays the President. (I actually haven't watched War Inc. yet, but I remember the trailer.)

Just because that character died doesn't mean they couldn't have left Aykroyd in the same role he ended up playing.

There was an interview, I don't know if it was with Cusack or someone else involved, where they openly stated War Inc. was written as GPB2, but Disney wouldn't relinquish the rights, so they just changed the character names.

Didn't Schrader write a book where Bickle appeared, and it was made into a movie, so it's sort of an unofficial sequel?

I always thought it would work better in reverse: remake Nikita (again) as The Professional sequel. Mathilda has become a reckless youth but finally ends up back with Sal and Sal has a guy re-hone her assassin skills. When the Jean Reno character from Nikita shows up again, it could still be Jean Reno, a nightmare

I don't think Joe Dante would approve.

Was gonna say, there are 3 non-quasi sequels to Midnight Run.

Kind of heartbroken you didn't get a chance to ask about A Day in the Life, a film told in rap from beginning to end, directed by Sticky Fingaz.

Not to mention "nawdle."

Watched his "Behind the Music Remastered" which has updated interviews through 2011 and I was kind of taken aback that he used the phrase "master debater" in his children's book…

The film was screened for press here in Seattle (IMAX version) and it included the wireframe costume teases that I've seen pictures of in relation to what's on the Shazam app. They were very much PART of the credits, in that the names were superimposed in CG over the wireframe references, like The Avengers end credits

It's been out of print for awhile and fetches nearly $100 on Amazon Marketplace (or $50, if you can live with the cruel injustice of it being in DVD packaging).

"I'm not judging Morgan. She's the victim here." welp ok