
It's not even considered a violation of free speech unless the government makes a law regarding it.

Speech is protected from govt legislation, not from consequences.

Good for Smart. Fans shouldn't be allowed to say whatever they want at games.

He was making a joke.

First time I smoked weed regularly was during surgery recovery. Was it primarily for the pain?

A tad, but sssshhhhh.


Duh, would you want to adjust to different food while training to perform at the highest level? I wouldn't.

Why don't we require all Winter Olympics to be held in cold cities?

Hell, I often do that now.

Maybe live closer to work. Just a thought.

Well, thanks for giving us a day to celebrate.

Actually, a country with so many languages spoken is uniquely American.

Point taken.

SHUT THE FUCK UP. Good god, is it somehow pleasurable to you to go against what other people enjoy.

Edgar's double, then Sherman's tip. You're #2 in Seattle, and we'll always love you for it.

Bullshit. Bullshit and more bullshit.

But...cheap land!

Same here. Why do we want Archer to keep getting his ass kicked?

You're not? I think it's lame. Mostly beating Archer up, which gets old.