
Apple wouldn't have designed that thing.

Yes, I believe so.

Loved that entire series.

What's your team's record? How is 7-1 overrated?

Hitting the torso is hard.

And it's still better than alcohol. For everyone.

You seem boring.

I don't understand why people make such a big deal about unrepairability. I want my laptops to have small/light form factor, great battery life, and withstand daily jostlings.

Has someone taken her license yet?

Patrick Jane only drinks tea. Have you never seen The Mentalist?

I'm always happy to bring my own food wherever I go, or pick through whatever is there. It's impossible to prep food for a party while accounting for everyone, so as someone who is gluten sensitive but is too stupid to be a dick about it at public events, I tend to always bring my own stuff.

Maybe you should fucking wait to report on something until you know what actually happened.

That wasn't even close.

What an idiot.

On a what?

As a reminder, many vegetarians are that way by choice. That's not the case with most gluten allergy sufferers.

He'll be fine. Long run, will likely be better off.

Yeah. Kinda feel for the dude, especially after he explained everything in context and even then said he messed up by allowing it to fester.

Exactly. He never said "sorry you were offended".

Simmons is great on paper. Literally. Excellent writer, good at recruiting talent, great at riding trends in a text format.