
“I hate the children being taken away, that’s the Democrats’ law,” he said.”

Jesus christ, his absurd hyperbole makes me bananas. He does nothing and expects to be praised fo it. Things that he actually does (i.e. separation of children from their parents) he obfuscates and deflects. Not to mention his bizzare syntax. If it were any more tortured it would be utilized by Kim Jong Un against N

Why isn’t the press calling him out on this shit!? What the fuck is with this toothless media corps that listens to him say “oh, yeah, the dems wrote the law that strips children from their family” and nods along while taking notes?

I’m glad that some of the Briefing team have finally began to call out Sanders on her

The buffoon in the White House is a traitor, hell-bent on starting an international incident with Canada.

Sanders really did her job perfectly though. The only reason Spicer was bad at it is that people could tell he was uncomfortable with lying directly to everyone’s face because he knew that the evidence to prove him wrong was just sitting out there in the open for everyone to see. Sarah, like her father, just didn’t

Man, I look forward to Sanders throwing a tantrum when she denies this story and then throwing another tantrum about it when it turns out to be true six months from now.

Trump didn’t pardon D’Souza for no reason.

And isn’t deporting people’s grandmas really what America is all about?

He’s already talked about revoking citizenship for people who won’t respect the flag, and his advisors have said citizenship should be revoked for Muslim-Americans. I think we should be afraid.

But no candidate is pure enough. As a liberal, my candidate must be pure and clean. Imperfection will not be tolerated. Compromise will not be tolerated. Pure and clean. Only when they are clean will they know our power.

Step by step. Inch by inch. First, it’s “illegals.” Then, it’s “shouldn’t be citizens.” Next, it’ll be “don’t deserve citizenship.” Before long, everyone’s right to live here will be at the government’s whim. Don’t salute the flag and sing the anthem? Criticize the president? Out you go.

The most worrying part of this active attempt to hunt down people who were “wrongfully” naturalized is that it’s going to get a lot of people who have been citizens for decades or longer. The people they’re claiming to be targeting are individuals who got picked up crossing the border illegally back in the days when

Ah, the next step. Well, we all know what comes after, natural born citizens with a skin color or religion the Trump administration doesn’t like will be sent to “freedom camps”.

These are the same fools that claim liberals engage in “historical revisionism” for wanting to accurately portray the genocide of native americans, slavery and the confederacy.

Kim will get shiploads of cash and goods for a deal that will be unverifiable. The opposite of the Iran deal.

“Iran nuclear deal bad. My fake North Korea nuclear deal good.”

If I hear asylum seekers referred to as illegal immigrants or attempting to enter illegally I’m going to scream. It is perfectly legal to present yourself at a boarder crossing and request asylum. People are being arrested and detained and their children taken away for a completely legal act. The media is failing to

“We’re America, bitch.”
I’m doubly horrified to know that not only did this official say this out loud, he didn’t care what anyone else thought and said it on the record.

I think the US and Canada (and the rest of the world) can solve our problems if Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump had a boxing match. The loser has to resign.

Yup. This whole attitude of “nah, can’t happen here” is no longer something to take for granted. The wheels are off the bus.