
now taking bets on what will be tweeted:

I don’t know. I’d be tempted to get worked up over Limbaugh’s comments, but frankly they’re too stupid to take seriously.

I was in the tenth grade when Columbine happened. If you had told me then that Columbine would happen again, and again, and again, not just in schools but movies theaters, workplaces, concerts, all across the country, for the next twenty years, I would never have believed you. Yet, here we are. I will be there on

You’re probably a troll, but fuck it and fuck you. I’m on the second floor of an inside hallway in a school surrounded by heavy wrought iron fence. You think I don’t fucking know we’re sitting ducks? But going outside and being visible is riskier than sitting in a dark classroom behind several doors. What we do is

Had several coyotes trotting around in my yard because of some flooding the other day. You know what works at getting them to skedaddle? Clapping my hands and shouting, “Hit the bricks, Wile E. and take your buddies with you!”

I’m also pretty sure the guys investigating the Russian connection aren’t personally in charge of the Miami field office.

I doubt that I can find it quickly but there was a tweet that went something like “Maybe the shooter killed someone who would have been a worse mass murderer”. It is the loopy sort of logic that makes regular peoples’ heads spin and the sort of logic that the forced birthers like to bring out in reverse. Abortion is

These are the same people that shout “MENTAL HEALTH” to avoid talking about guns, while actively and proudly working to dismantle health care legislation that makes mental health care easier to access.

Now playing

when someone brings up the “guns are necessary for protection” argument:

Or “we need anti trans bathroom laws because those will absolutely stop perverted cis men determined to enter women’s bathrooms.”

From what you see on twitter you’d assume it was the smallest law enforcement agency in the U.S. instead of the largest. But they’ll believe anything to protect trump and their guns.

Don’t you know there’s actually only 15 people at the FBI and they can only investigate one thing at a time?

Got myself in a huge twitter fight with people that defend Trump, NRA, gun laws and semi-automatic weapons AND THEY ARE FREAKING DUTCH not even American. Of course you can say the same about me :) But to hear a Dutch person say that Americans need AR-15s to chase away coyotes and bears and to defend themselves against

I don’t think it’s the same people at FBI who investigate possible mass murderers and Russian election fraud

I’m a high school teacher. On Thursday we had a scheduled lock-down drill. After this shooting, I took it upon myself to explain to my kids how very real and necessary the lock-down drills are to keeping them safe. I had to coach them on the safest places in the classroom to hide so they wouldn’t be seen from the

It absolutely blows my mind that Republicans can balance the cognitive dissonance of “look, an angry teenager is always just going to be able to somehow source a semi-automatic rifle, even if they’re illegal and rare and strictly controlled and almost impossible to get ammunition for, never mind that literally no

THIS is the right’s new talking point? Fucking seriously?

Jesus H, seriously? The investigation is hurting us?

This can’t be right. How could Trump be out-smarted? He has the best brain. He has the best words. He is a genius, a stable genius. And he passed that very hard cognitive abilities test with the best score over recorded.