
Prosecutor may have also decided to drop the charges since getting records and the now defunct store to participate in the court case would have been nearly impossible. 

Prior to 2001, the felony larceny threshold was only $50 in OK. Now for embezzlement, that amount might have been different. 

Combining Mr. Tracy’s pre-existing mental condition with the toxic materials in the Harbor Freight respirator and gloves, I think it is time to call the local authorities to conduct a Well Check. He seems to have some self preservation thoughts, but cannot bring himself to make wise choices. Our entertainment be

My impression of these Lincolns will forever be scarred by a gettorific example. Imagine this.....4 spare tire donuts, mounted backwards so they stick out. I can only assume the guy that did this knew what he was doing rather than simply having no money to buy tires, scrounging spares from various cars and then not

Datsun supplied the Ford equivalent. Not sure what the heck they called it. There was no badging and almost no paint left by the time my friend got his.

Nothing a little welding of the shaft and gear won’t fix. Or I think there was an aftermarket cam shaft that had essentially the same fix, but way more professionally manufactured.

Really pissed off the parking enforcement people at one GM office. Guy owned a SAAB 9-2X and parked it in the GM Pride spaces. You know, the prime location spaces where only GM cars are supposed to park. That car and a rolled PoS Impala were evidently not the sort of cars parking enforcement wanted parking up close

My neighbors moved to E. Austin. They ranted and raved about how the poor minorities must be protected and that gentrification was soooo wrong. Spent paragraphs echoing their Liberal copy. Then one sentence at the end saying. “Since gentrification is happening without us, we see our choice to move there as not

Don’t forget to square off those wheel arches. If it works on the CR-V, then it should be a hit on the ‘86.

Ran Kumhos back in 2005 because they were the cheap option. Good tires. Not great. Less than good in cold or if they were more than 2/3 used up.

Used to run Coopers and Goodyears on our full size, 1/2 ton trucks. Coopers were less expensive and lasted longer with fewer failures.

Now if only there were HUs that were compatible with the integrated nature of modern cars. So many car functional settings are controlled through the OE HU. Maintenance, door lock settings, remote settings, interior, etc.

Darn skippy! Their current hotdogs are sad. While they are at it, fire the Sam’s Club infiltrator that canceled it.

This just might be Taco Bell’s most real meat product of all time. Assuming it doesn’t have too much ‘pink stuff’ additive or whatever they call the equivalent for their chicken-type meat.

Money grubbing greedy asshole to be exact. I guess the GoFundMe amount wasn’t enough.

Probably a pristin 1963 Chevrolet Impala sedan that is residing in a family member’s garage for the past 30 years. I expect to get it running within the next 6 years. I’ll keep it until the Environmental Police manage to find and seize it citing ’Weapon of Mass Pollution’ laws.

Wasn’t there a big push back in the 70's to use only diesel powered buses after a series of horrific accidents where people got toasted badly.

Technically there are challenges with running long electric pulls. It’s not as simple as using a really long extension cord. Especially when the draw is high and the voltage is lower (relative to high volt transmission). Not saying it cannot be done, but there is increased cost with more capable equipment.

I saw no briefcase, but come to think of it, for a grumpy old man, he did seem to be nearly ‘on drugs’ happy that day. The company was on a “play stupid games, pay stupid penalties” run during that time.

A major computer manufacturer I worked for years ago let go a software engineer. He cleared out his desk, but stuck a sign on a busted up laptop that said “DO NOT SHUTDOWN”. We figured he had a good reason to put the sign there, so we left it alone. There were several old laptops and desktops around the office with