
Well hell. You shoulda written this article.

Two things that killed the Holden Commodore in the US was that they made it look like a corporate styled Malibu and priced it at nearly $50K.

You are assuming people actually assume responsibility. Ever try to collect repairs for your car from someone that didn’t successfully pull off a jaywalking attempt?

No dice.

They did say they “terminated employment”. Maybe this was old Soviet style. The Employee Confession Room has a drain in the center, so all they had to do was hose down the room and bury the body where the new factory expansion will be built.

California may be forced to take it over at some point if it keeps failing, then you bet there will be some new tax for the basic infrastructure restoration. Then again, Cali may decide it is easier to keep the grid private and in a continual state of ‘fail’ in order to have someone to blame.

Serious question. How many years and/or miles do most Chinese vehicles last?

Not the Governor’s problem. Besides, you probably won’t be able to afford a car with the necessary taxes needed to keep the power grid humming.

At least the pedestrian crash mitigation bumper and hood seemed to work. The guy lived.

Good read Mr. Shilling. This is the excellent car based writing you are capable of when you don’t spoil it with politics. Hope your day is going well, all things considered.

Your pic just revealed something. Dirt.  As long as they are going to use a truck that is 10 years old and doesn’t represent 99% of the trucks on the road, why not just add some dirt to the emoji?

I don’t have much problem with ‘real’ medical masks, but the cheap Chinese medical-like masks are terrible. The metal nose piece is on par with a grocery store twist tie and is nowhere stiff enough to maintain it’s shape over the nose.

So I’ll put you down as a “Maybe”.

Filed under Personal Problem. You just lack the dedication to up your bandwidth, hardware and persistence. You solve all those problems and your satisfaction will marginally improve, guaranteed*.

You....you....math nerd!! How dare you attack his chosen view of the world with math. /s

In some Tesla office building, there is a lot of missing wood trim.

No EV will ever sell quite as well as a nearly free EV. The some EU countries proved that point.

Darn right I was thinking it. I had more creative thoughts in 5 minutes than I had all day up to that point.

Pyrotechnics isn’t really the issue here and we know it. The author just needed something that might get the other +90% of the population to agree with them. #greyedstill

Party pooper.