Back in 2004 I visited England. The only American truck I saw the whole trip was out on the M-something. It was a late model, blue, extended cab, 2WD, F-150.
Back in 2004 I visited England. The only American truck I saw the whole trip was out on the M-something. It was a late model, blue, extended cab, 2WD, F-150.
That car stopped faster while spinning out of control that a lot of cars do in a straight line with 4 inflated tires. Then again, for over half a million dollars I’d expect it to stop better than most cars even if it is upside down, skidding on it’s roof.
The first time I drove a car with a lot of those safety features I damn near drove off the road and came close to be rear ended. The warnings went off and I looked down at the dashboard to see what the car was complaining about rather than looking the road. Turned out it was over reacting to oncoming traffic in a…
Error 8237jf83j8df: sarcasm interpreter failed with code 07*. Autonomous Tech rebooting in 3, 2, 1.....
55 MPH national maximum speed limit with new cars electronically limited to that speed. Additional safety features to enhance the crash experience. There are huge benefits for everyone.
Within the Go Media family of sites, your account will have different permissions/settings. For instance, one of my previous accounts never had any posting in The Root that wasn’t first Pending for the 2 years that I used it. I was always respectful and really didn’t disagree with anyone. I honestly complimented…
The Kinja commenting system is not very transparent. This is what I’ve gathered over the years. Sorry, but it is longer.
True. Very true. 3rd account. Only negative postings were calling this writer out from time to time when he said something really silly. Doesn’t take dissenting opinions well.
I still travel with a handgun, but not as much as I used to. Partly because I don’t travel to areas with higher crime and also because the TSA is a crap shoot when it comes to agents.
I suppose the Mustang vs. Camaro is a fractional measure of product making a huge difference in a small market segment.
I think the guys that caused GMC to move from commercial/work are those that had wives that drove Buicks/Olds/Cadillac. The guys wanted something a little up market, but they were men and needed manly men vehicles. GMC had an image of being ‘better’ tougher, so that was the starting point. Men buying the highest GMC tr…
I second that. Olds seemed to have some Pontiac excitement and some Buick lux. Towards the end though, they somehow screwed up on delivering either one. Having Olds seems to make more sense in the GM lineup.
Most Buicks aren’t bad. Quality is way up over 10 years ago. The problem is that they tend to be nice, but not particularly new, sporty or trendy. The Opel based stuff was a weird clash of American Buick lux and Euro plastics, stiffness and German frugality. Outside of the Chrome Potato (Encore), I’d take one over a…
Scion wasn’t ‘cheap’, they were a value choice because they still held onto the quality part of the Toyota DNA.
Anime (storyline and illustrations) was above average, but the music really made the moments in the series hit and stick hard.
Holy poop! You’d better be careful or the next software update on your Tesla will brick it. The screen will display something like. “Error 87392v63 - Trator” “Error 1 - Unworthy”
Almost bought one of the Sport trim a few years ago. AWD, twin turbo 2.7L and a decent suspension. It seemed much more well rounded than the aging Taurus SHO. The problem was getting them to start consistently. They had some parasitic drain issue that took Ford a year to begin to figure out.
Are we sure they are actually moving up the hill in that picture?
Those shift lights in the small shit boxes were just a troll. They promised so much but delivered on none. The revs up and you think......
I look at that picture and I think, “Poor dock. Yachts are supposed to park next to it, not on it.”