
Anime (storyline and illustrations) was above average, but the music really made the moments in the series hit and stick hard.

Holy poop! You’d better be careful or the next software update on your Tesla will brick it. The screen will display something like. “Error 87392v63 - Trator” “Error 1 - Unworthy”

Almost bought one of the Sport trim a few years ago. AWD, twin turbo 2.7L and a decent suspension. It seemed much more well rounded than the aging Taurus SHO. The problem was getting them to start consistently. They had some parasitic drain issue that took Ford a year to begin to figure out.

Are we sure they are actually moving up the hill in that picture?

Those shift lights in the small shit boxes were just a troll. They promised so much but delivered on none. The revs up and you think......

I look at that picture and I think, “Poor dock. Yachts are supposed to park next to it, not on it.”

Right now, On Star is sort of optional. If you don’t want it, don’t subscribe. what I worry about is when auto manufacturers start using that data to guilt/bully/extort customers into buying services or to keep features on the car working that were supposed to be fully paid for in the purchase.

This was okay, but not quite good enough for The Onion I guess. Since it had something to do with vehicles, it got dumped on Jalopnik.

Well heck. All this time I thought it was immoral to stop illegal border crossings.

Of course it is not an ankle monitor. It is clearly an elephant foot with a Fallout type power fist implanted in the leg.

Maybe this will lead to a ‘military grade’ controller that will withstand a high velocity throw across the room.

Forget the sail, tell me more about that hot tub looking space in the front.

Biden will be the number 46th and Harris will be 47th. It is a two for one in the 2020 - 2024 election cycle.