What's a good conversion app for Android? There are so many to choose from!
What's a good conversion app for Android? There are so many to choose from!
I just find it hard to believe Google, owner of YouTube, would have a problem with bandwidth that would mean a multi-day (and sometimes multi-week) roll out.
Can we discuss why Google "rolls out" it's own app updates on the Market yet pushes other developers' apps within hours... Why is this? It sometimes takes a week or more before I get the Google updates. Is it because of the number of Android devices all of which have the Google apps? I would think Facebook or Twitter…
Here's a tip: I have a little habit of reinstalling Windows on my laptop quite often. So since Windows 8 came out I would download the installer from Microsoft and run it using my Windows 8 upgrade registration code. What I didn't realize is that each reg code is good for a certain number of downloads. When I tried to…
If you add a sports team schedule through Google (rather than import it yourself) the title of the event also updates to show the score.
Studies have shown very little evidence that more antioxidants means better health. In fact, like many things, taking in lots of antioxidants (in an already healthy person) may be associated with a higher mortality rate.
Toothpaste and toothbrushes: It is super easy to use manufacturer coupons + store coupons during a sale to get them for pennies if not free. It is the gateway drug of extreme couponing.
There is a whole movement in journalism to stop using brand-name specific capitalization since it is away for companies to push their branding and doing that for free in a paper would be unjournalistic. So it would be Iphone, Id, etc.
A great tip I learned in culinary school: When you have finished reading the recipe, before you do anything, take one minute and close your eyes. Imagine the finished product. What color should it be? What should the texture be? How will it taste?
Only recently Google Maps updated to show major highway by me (183 in Austin) as no longer under construction and drivable. Construction finished 8 years ago at least. Navigation would route me to the frontage road.
Important to note that, while rare, things sometimes get cut from Canary and don't make it to the full version. Though, we all know, Google Now will eventually make it to full Chrome.
You need to Root to ROM
So where do you draw the line for your version of New England? A little bit more south is New Jersey so lets include that? That same distance to the west is Pennsylvania and Ohio so that should count too. By all means let's not take culture, history, or physical obstacles into consideration, let's just go with your…
You are either have a complete lack of geographic knowledge or are the worst troll ever
If it is already listed on Amazon (and at this point that's just about everything) maybe 15 seconds tops once you are familiar with the system (which isn't the friendliest at first). You have to choose condition and then you are allowed to describe the condition (called Condition Note) but other than that there are no…
Since I've been doing this for a while and have made more than my fair share of mistakes if anyone has any questions I would be more than happy to answer them.
I have been selling my huge CD collection one CD at a time through Amazon for about a year now. I sent the rare, high ticket stuff to Amazon to be FBA. The regular old $1-5 CDs are in boxes in my home. I have been able to make some good money out of this (as long as I don't consider the amount I paid for the items). I…
There are some comedians who use this to make "jokes" at brands (@walmart, @mcdonalds, etc) but please... if you are not a professional comedian do not do this. It is rarely funny even when the pros do it.
If only those were the only two symptoms of food borne illness:
Botulism: paralysis (including of the respiratory muscles)
Heliobacter pylori: stomach ulcers
Brucella: swelling of the liver, spleen, testicles, scrotum and/or heart
Yersinia: 1-3 weeks of bloody diarrhea
It's also quite American to not die of food borne pathogens.