TX Pete

Or sweeter disposition than Stalin....

As a fellow Texan, do you recall that these somehow rusted out in 5 years. In Texas... They’re like instant David Tracy.

When one resorts to a Chevette comparison to exhibit goodness, there is a fundamental issue.

Amazing life!

That’s the first RWB that didn’t make me nauseous just looking at it. Granted, it’s only a front view.

I hope your intention is to float or fly it...

Somehow, this guy out-awesomed a Torchinsky idea....and it’s reality.

It is both terrible and excellent

This car is precisely what is missing in my life

Possibly they remember this album cover

I’ll volunteer my Z71 diesel Colorado for the comparo! With no Ranger Raptor, it’s probably more the cross-shop than the ZR2.

He put ATF on his weiner...it just wasn’t enough to stave off the rust.

That sentence explains how this all happened

Was this intended to just be inflamatory?

Lenders all have internal scoring. FICO models are one of the factors and generally a baseline, but the lender uses attributes within the bureau data to weight the variables (payment history specific to credit type, repo history, total debt, total monthly payment, and many more) according to their internal risk model t

That shot of Gasley (4th pic) is epic. 

Kurt Bradley can swing a mean lens

That’s pretty clever

Jalopnik should have asked for my review earlier this year. It’s fine for schlepping a family around the UK, gets good mileage, but the shifter is like stirring a box of rocks.

When I saw the picture, I thought it might be my wife’s old van. Great car. Zero problems in the 8 years we had it. Third row is a little tight.