TX Pete

That’s a lot of “ran when parked”.

Aren’t Americans waiting to see when they can get their blue pills delivered by Amazon drone in 20 minutes?

Lies!!! David Tracy would never consider anything that wouldn’t give lesser men tetanus by just laying eyes on it.

It’s part of a David Tracy 12 step program.

Technically, I think he’s the Cousin Eddie with the crapcan motorhome in this scenario. One of my favorite characters!

The most pathetic automotive sight David Tracy has ever seen? That is saying something.

I know it’s hypocritical, but I want everyone else to get one. Seriously though, there’s some unbelievable shitboxes out there, that apparently weren’t being prevented.

And no more safety inspections either. Maybe we are Roxor ready here.

Lead picture looks as though he made it under the bridge, until the road begins to incline. If that’s the case, the simple measurement from the street to the bridge wouldn’t be sufficent for when the front of the long trailer starts moving upward.

Even ignoring the safety regulation obstacles, the complexity of making it pass emissions standards would be huge, I suspect. I get the impression that there is some focus on diesel emissions these days.

Why such low power and torque specs for a good-sized turbodiesel? I get that it’s meant to be just a side-by-side, but it seems like they could have saved with a cheaper/smaller engine. The marginally larger, but emissions restricted duramax 2.8 has exponentially more wheaties.

I like this reaching across the aisle!

Tube frame like a Countach, Countach engine..... if crossovers had only continued on this path....

Colorado diesel 4WD

They make their well-heeled owners happy, and they buy more ferraris. Prices of older cars stay elevated, supporting the idea their cars are an investment.

One upside to the ancient Frontier is that you can get a well equipped 2WD desert runner for 25k brand new. If you just need a pickup, it’s a great deal.

Frequently used instruments need to be well designed.

BMW is well known for it’s erect-six engine as opposed to the Chrysler flacid-six.

Sure you needed that beer?

Auburn 851?