Cactus47 second account

But the finale had her spending a year learning how to be a musician--piano and voice lessons.

Seriously. Liz and Clint?

Yeah, that’d be more of a Rogelio thing. 

When I was a kid there was a guy with a VERY LOUD VOICE who sold beer at Cleveland Indians baseball games. He’d go up and down the stands shouting “BEER GUY HERE!” Then in the winter he’d show up and do the same thing at Cavs games. Even though I was a kid and I didn't drink beer, he was still someone I looked forward

Ha ha ha, mine too! I tried to get into Gundam Wing, but it didn’t catch really.

I have no problem with the return of Greg or the recasting, but I do wish they had written in that he was still with his Georgia girlfriend.

Yeah, that’s what I felt too upon the conclusion of the story. I guessed pretty early on that Simon and Candace were the same person (once I concluded that Candace was not going to be the same person as Ondine and I noticed their similar facial shapes), but I didn’t make the connection between the little brother and

Ah, Mr. Peanutbutter...

I am also a Nathaniel fan. During season 1/early 2 I was lukewarm-team Greg, though certain things always gave me pause (particularly the “Could If I Wanted To”song--as good as it is, I’ve BEEN with a guy who had that attitude and it is the worst.) Josh is hilarious but he is a terrible boyfriend for Rebecca. Great

Yeah, ordinarily they probably would have met, but Rebecca's wedding was planned in under two weeks. Maybe there was just no time.

The Sisters of Quiet Lularoe and It Works!

My husband was telling me that his gym classes would also work out to that, and this would have been in the late 80s/early 90s. So it had staying power.

That was undoubtedly an intentional choice.

Yeah, “I go to the Zoo” isn’t my favorite in terms of lyrics or musical style, but it does pretty well at getting into the sweeter side of Nathaniel’s personality.

My ex thought the ginger was smoked salmon when he ate sushi for the first time, even after I told him several times, “no dude, that’s ginger.” He put a whole piece in his mouth and was not a fan of the result.

That’s a really interesting observation. What I found to be interesting was that much of this hostility was funneled through the prism of the German language, which the real-life Alexandra would have had no issues with.

I’d say Yangchen and Kuruk are a bit more mysterious.

What exactly is their argument for Diane somehow being worse than Bojack? She's not 100% perfect, but...she's never come thisclose to sleeping with a 17-year-old.

Plus, weren't people in the Elizabethan era MUCH shorter than people nowadays, on average?

I don’t know if the infertile ones would be made into Marthas or sent to the Colonies...