Cactus47 second account

Seriously, you need to be the captain's main computer from WALL-E to get through to some people.

Hi Vani.

Hi, Vani.

They still use it in Ohio too. Yep, for all Asians, not just Chinese people. It's disgusting, and one of many reasons why I don't live there anymore.

And it's not like Philadelphia's a haven of racial equality.

And then people who actually are dealing with serious inflammation due to diagnosed conditions have to deal with being lumped in with all the hucksters.

Seriously. When my sisters and I were kids, we tried lots of restaurant food. Sometimes from the kids' menu, sometimes not. We didn't always like everything, but bringing in our own food from home to satisfy our "picky kid tastes" would have been ridiculous.

Well, British Airways is superior to most US-based airlines in many ways.

My guess is that molasses was involved somehow. That stuff is great at disguising other flavors, even when it's just brown sugar used and not pure molasses.

My guess is that molasses was involved somehow. That stuff (even in brown sugar) is excellent at disguising flavors.

I almost recommended your comment, because I don't have a problem with most of what you say. But your final paragraph about the civil war is bonkers. Losing 11 states, whatever. But can we really look back and condemn 7 or 8 subsequent generations of African-Americans to lifetimes of slavery and torture? (Yes, some of

Besides, the fact that she said some fucked-up things over a year ago does not negate the fact that someone ELSE is saying fucked-up things about her (and her sister) today. You can be pissed about both. It's not like this Russian dude is insulting Serena to get even with her for what she said about Steubenville (and