
What happens when the 100MB is up many people wont pay and this device will be useless

Too bad there was nothing in the cable gates about NASA or WMD in Iraq

@SageofMusic: Couldnt have said it better the old ones before 1990 dont even have the foil strip in them. The only way to prove they are fake is having one of those pens.

@shhhGoToSleep: Would have been better if you put Hu Jintao or Mao Zedong on it instead

@Chilli: Now the second and third problems have been found

@Matthew: And what about video ?

How do the "4G' networks around the world compare; are they true 4G or are they in the same boat as Verizon & Sprint

@D.Mobile!: Don't you mean followed by the iPhone 4gs s for speed

How much does Apple charge for software, Mac, iPhone, and iPod accessories to be in their stores

Instead of install of bunch of shit in cars why not just get rid of the dumb ass drivers; take their license and ban their ass from using a car until they can use it without running people over.

Did he forget Cloud OS's; if Microsoft and Apple follow Google with Cloud OS's than people get on board with the idea we might have some problems.

What's the advantage over having a real landline plus a separate cell phone ?

@Mojoron: Yeah their stuff was built to last so they aint gotta fix shit.

The reason I buy TV's at a store rather than on-line is to see if it has a store setting and a personal/home setting on picture, volume etc. if it has that I dont buy it.

@bingbingma: There is probably life based on a bunch of other stuff also; just that we think everything is made like us so we didn't bother to look for it.

NASA just got their budget back.

@lazaruspryor: Is that really finding the a cure for ageing or just finding a cure for the shit the scientist gave the mice to age faster.

Someone honest in the government and he is saying is what people are thinking.

@NeoTechni: No some Christians have moved on not all.