
Why is the work area closer to the surface than the living area

@V864: Dont you mean both are a subset of parallelograms

What about unlocked phones

@V864: Thats a square

Dont let the door hit you on your way out.

So which does McDonalds use I think thats the question everybody has

If RIM cant figure out the problems with the Storm they dont need to be making any more.

"I feel like it's good to have a backup bank that has outlets in nearly every city."

Is this for the US or worldwide because there are some other companies that make smartphones besides those listed.

@shad0wca7: Smartphones arent everything; this could change how things charge eventually so this is worth more than some smartphone.

And if Microsoft is going to pay for all of these PC's to get fixed than I say go ahead otherwise come up with a better idea.

The iPhone could not be just for Verizon's newly deployed LTE network it will not cover enough land.

Im going for a Nokia E series phone, I care about hardware first and then getting work done not shinny os to play games, watch movies or listen to music.

I just want someone to sue all cellphone, pmp, and computer, server and printer manufacturers and win

No one saw this coming ?

@ceilingFANBOY: What team is in New York arent they all in New Jersey

Pretty good coverage except how in the hell do

@protodad: Probably patents, they had 118 years to think of shit.