
@computermix: But knowing the US, state and county governments they wont fix a damn thing and still blame the person over something that they have no control over.

There are many problems with this for example if the person takes public transit and the bus/train/tram detours and could place you in the area that you're not supposed to be.

@iSee: This does not go against capitalism we had capitalism in the 1800's and the early to mid 1900's in which products/services had standards.

If the people are to stupid to read a paper or anything else due to a lack of attention span so be it. I would not dumb down my product so some f**king idiot who doesn't try to learn can understand it and that goes for all industries.

Do I need my eyes checked because I dont see packs of vans in the picture; I see packs of cars.

@Dancing Milkcarton: And is everything in that paper dumbed down or just sections.

@Dancing Milkcarton: Newspapers weren't dumbed down when compared to TV, Radio and most major websites.

The dumbing down of Americans is complete

@Nogard13: ITV was before this the merger was in 2004 three years before the iPhone came out so that would not have helped.

@tenazrael: The feds and a state/county/city government are different. The feds can borrow from the federal reserve any time while states/counties/cities cant.

@RedRaider: I feel like none of those are needed for life humans have lived before them so therefore if you support those you should support internet. If you dont support internet than you should not support any.

@RedRaider: I agree but i feel we should not run any utilities.

@tenazrael: Counties & cities are closing libraries and other services due to budget problems.

@RedRaider: Why should we run pipes at all that isn't the governments problems in you have water or not.

@ducks9: And there is nothing in the Constitution saying we are supposed to have water/sewer lines to our home or electricity.

@RiceBandit: Water and power are not a necessity people could walk there ass to the closest well/river/creek like it was done 70 years ago and people dont need power at all we have survived 1000's of years without we can do so now.

@Vader582: Atleast the USPS is run better than Comcast from a consumer point of view.

@Vogie: And that Digital TV transition was the biggest clusterfuck ever. Many areas around the country have worst service than they did before.

@Delano_J: Libraries aren't everywhere I have been to some cities with no libraries or the libraries have closed so what do you do in those places.

Where do those 53 % live I would ask them how do they feel about the government not building/supporting roads to where they live, 911 service, mail, electricity, sewers/water etc and I would bet it would be a hell yes that the government should.