
I wish it was just that. It's not just killing children of parents who are gullible and irrational. It's killing the elderly and the immune-comprised that children of parents who are gullible and irrational come into contact with. I mean, fuck, it's your kid. But you're putting a significant group of the population at


Like the place my mom sent our dog after he crapped in her purse.

And she's played by the same actress who dies in the SOBs episode of Arrested Development! Awesome.

Oh, bravo.

Hell YES.

An ace West Wing reference there.

Rearranging the letters in Peru spells…Urep? Best line + delivery Andy's had since "network connectivity problems".

G'damn. Bravo, Sean. That's some damn fine snark.

The update is even more awesome. Damn, Sean.

Kenesaw Mountain Landis?

Er…Whip It? Was that last year? I have no idea.

Oh god, yes.

But why was he dressed like Hitler?


God, that was my thought exactly as well. "Right on the dickhole".

That motherfucking scalping…it's been a long time since I've seen something on TV that gave me that visceral of a "HOLY SHIT" reaction. Even more than the end of this last season of Breaking Bad, I think.

I've gotta say, I wasn't entirely on board with this show in season 1 (it was worth a watch, for sure, but I was never all that enthusiastic about it), but season 2 has been really fantastic so far.

The formula has been explained, mostly. Freeze frame on the lab notes when Walt is leafing through them in Hank's bedroom. Reductive amination with phenylacetone and methylamine.

Martha Marcy May Marlene 2: Melectric Moogaloo