
Claymore to the face is definitely a no brainier..

Seems like more of these anti-tax Tea Party types should make themselves useful for once and start making states pass laws that prevent these deals from happening. But when that asshat Scott Walker gave those hedge fund fuckers in Milwaukee a sweetheart deal, I knew these guys were just all hat and no cattle. That was

The damage done to the environment by scrapping 500k operable cars and replacing them with 500k new cars will far exceed the damage caused by high emissions of the TDi cars over the life of the cars.

This really ticks me off. More than the polluting issue. How is dumping a bunch of cars in a landfill the right decision in this case? The greenest car is the one that already exists.

Again with the “I know you are but what am I?” defense?

Did you miss the part where she runs an indie comic publishing house?

nerd, keep your politics off my bike blog bitch.

“Each of those “cells” is an individual battery.”

Batteries plus, duh.

You grossly underestimate the cost and overestimate the output of batteries. To get that “dank torque” you want and the 200 mile(ish) range, it will take more batteries than a Tesla has due to the truck’s weight. And count on diminishing gains (each additional battery adds more mass, less range); the relation between

Actually, before the EPA (and the Clean Water Act, and the Clean Air Act, both championed and signed by that famous socialist Richard Nixon) existed, there was a burning river in Ohio, the Great Lakes were unsafe to swim in, leaded gasoline caused tremendous damage (there’s a rather convincing case that the decline in

Guess you have never lived in 1960s america if you think the epa is useless

-private mining firm abandons their mine leaving it filled with toxic waste

Yes, end the EPA’s derpity derp derp derp, so we can be competitive with China! #Derp2016

So, the password for TVRs4life would be “fuckanyonewithacarthatactuallyruns”?

It also applies to Boat Forums, nothing like a good Master Craft Ski Nautique flame war

So being an impatient douche is a smarter solution?

Mustang runs down bicyclist after Knives & Needles.

But are you positive?