
Fuck this bitch.

A while back, my family discovered it’s likely my great-grandmother was Indigenous Australian. But none of us would dream of claiming that ancestry because no matter what our DNA says, we’re white. Not in a racist sense, but in a we have no absolutely no familial or cultural ties to Indigenous

I really feel for her son, who seems like a smart, intuitive, good kid. He looks and sounds hurt and stressed. I have to wonder if he’ll cut ties with his mother once he’s older.

Some of the comments lead me to watch that clip. Nothing that young man said was wrong. His mother is actually sick. I’m not knowledgeable enough to know what exactly she suffers from, but certainly someone else who frequents this site has an idea. I am knowledgeable enough to recognize that her belief that she can

The very end of that clip — where the interviewer asks her son something like, “What’s not being said? What don’t people know about this woman?” and he answers, “Nothing that I want people to know.” That was dark.

Three game industry people attended. Numerous other people and companies rejected the meeting, criticizing the entire premise of it.

When she was first “outed” as white, my (white) best friend thought it was all so hilarious. “Oh, she’s harmless. She just wants to be black/really loves black culture, no big deal.” But, nah. I was pissed, and still am every time her dumbass pops back up. IMO, this is an ultimate exercise of her white privilege.

This is legit heartbreaking. No, I don’t really sad for her. I feel sorry for all the other people she’s hurting. She’s like a one-woman wrecking crew.

Shout out to the Gamergate kiddies who helped elect Trump because they thought the other side were the ones who wanted to censor video games.

And also WANDA SYKES!!! I cannot for the life of me understand why people aren’t incensed by that. She’s every bit as legendary as any of the men up there, and worth eight figures.

Exactly. This not an average teenager being embarrassed of their mom being “weird”. He legit talked to others, watched her interviews and rightfully cringed. He respectfully raised his concerns/discomfort and she

When I saw him in the trailer, my heart broke and then I got so mad. This boy does not want to be filmed and doesn’t want to deal with his mom’s delusions for the public. At least, that little bit seems to show that he has a good head on his shoulders, but he doesn’t deserve this.

Her son is smart and has a conscience, unlike his mother. He’s calling her out on the harmful effects of her actions on not just her life, but others as well.

Netflix really is handing out specials and documentaries (in this case a mockumentary) to anybody.

So she’s not only continuing her little mad delusion but also dragging her kids into it so she can cry crocodile tears about how she worries about them?

Well, yeah. But I was really just thinking about who’s appeared on the obverse (front) of Canadian money. There have been a few people shown on the reverse (men and women) doing various things but they were always faceless.

As the Toronto Star reports, Desmond was honored Thursday in a ceremony in Halifax, where the new bill was unveiled. She’s the first black person to ever grace Canadian money, and the first non-royal.

What an intricate human being.

I went to his IMDB page for pun inspiration, and discovered to my delight that in no fewer than 12 of his 56 acting credits (none of which are early-career bit parts that might excuse it), they didn’t even bother to give his character a full name. He’s been: Cody, Jacob, Tao, Ruslan, Torrez, Cross, Alexander, Jake,

Under Shill

Seriously - when I was in elementary school (35 years ago), they had super-annoying toilet paper holders to stop that from happening - at one it was a weird oval shape that caught and only let you take a little at a time (more if you could figure out how to pull in just the right way), and another it was a flat toilet