1. Do you know how op eds work?
1. Do you know how op eds work?
State Rep Klint Kesto of Michigan actually has a K middle name... So yep, KKK. Don’t know what it is but he’s scrubbed it from everywhere except the bar association which finally confirmed what we all knew in our hearts was probably true. Ha. Asshole.
(thanks for admitting that first)
In some cases they have the power of police. My campus cops had full powers of arrest, investigation, etc. If I went to the city cops for something that happened on campus I have an inkling they might turn it back the campus ones.
... wow.
I do the same thing!
Reminded me more of this
Damn, Windsor’s got little brother syndrome to Canada’s little but slightly older brother syndrome.
The replies are worth reading too. Good on them for finding the strength to step up and put the fuckers capitalizing on her death in their place.
Her cousin is also speaking out on Twitter.
Anyone could miss Windsor, all tucked away down there...
Pretty sneaky, Mueller!
I mean, that he’s been a good rep doesn’t prove or disprove anything in regards to the above claims. My favorite local politics writer, who I’ve been reading since a preteen, was recently revealed to be a harasser. He was a DAMN good journalist but that he was - and well respected - probably delayed that revelation.
That is stupid fucking argument.