
tRump Shaker, or some reasonable fascimile.

Well, I was here to take simple joy in this story and then you just had to go make it all what the fuck depressing again.

Oh yeah, it’s a murderers row of assholes against it. Fucking ENBRIDGE. For fuck’s sake.


I learned something today.

1. That is totally awesome.



Sooooo the Detroit News published this.

Similar nonsense playing out in Michigan with our Attorney General nominee. Day after there were cries that the process was usurped by pro pot and LGBT activists and possibly passive racists which wasn’t remotely close to the truth (though why pro pot - most folks I know *seriously* passionate about that are in it to

In more important state election news the partisan, elected Supreme Court in Michigan is about to decide if we get to vote to end partsian gerrymandering or if the fucking Chamber of Commerce, Enbridge*, and our dick attorney general get to stop that from happening.

I mean there’s PLENTY to rightfully judge her on. How do you even have time to get to the makeup?

Your ideas are intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Oh my God thank you.

ALSO I’d argue Trump is far more Nazi Adjacent than the fucking Queen.

Heh, my Grandpa left Germany just before WWII as worker’s rights advocates were being targeted (via my Dad most of his friends didn’t make it out) and ended up striking in Michigan against Ford.

You could say I’m Nazi Adjacent since I’m a quarter German. Sure, my grandpa left for the US before WWII when they started cracking down on labor organizers, but my family tree ain’t mapped out as well as the British Royal Family. I’m sure some Nazis are in there.

Yup. Good on ‘em.