
You could almost admire his attempt to spin this shit into an argument for “small government”.

Have fun!


I give anyone who brags about getting out of jury duty hell. That being said I’ve been called up once in almost 2 decades of being a duly registered and active voter. Got dismissed at lunch. My Dad didn’t serve until he had his AARP card in hand (although he was/is still working).

Nilla wafers, maybe some Graham and tart apple slides (apple on Apple is ok w caramel) on the side as an option. Pizzelles are gonna break up all over the place. Do not make more stuff for drunk people food dessert.

Take your damn star and get out.

Ugh, you were not kidding.

Lord help the person who has a heart attack on that day. I assume everyone isn’t gonna look up their local non 911 police # (and here it’s a 50/50 if the cops or firemen/women make it first when one of my neighbors has a health issue. Ambulance...  eventually.)

Good Lord no.

My forever favorite though, because it added “punk as artisinal fuck” and “gourd hierarchy” to my lexicon:

There’s a reason why I’ve had O’Neals author page bookmarked since pre Kinja AV Club. Rarely disappoints. Even though it’s been a relatively damn long time since the last posts...

I read it as a young’un who didn’t really know the background behind it all (my AP History class ran out of time and ended in the mid 60s, which fucked me over on the exam, but I digress). My Dad handed it to me after I finished Last Vegas and it was still a good read. Time to revisit.

Hear hear. I don’t know if I would’ve had the heart to tell my Dad he screwed up when I knew he was trying his best. Actually I know I didn’t. She did *and* was giving him tips on how to improve. Definitely not suffering in silence. Props.

Agreed wholeheartedly. Girl 1 does get around to it. It TOTALLY doesn’t read “not standing up for herself” to me but “how do I politely say ‘Dad you fucked up’?”. That message gets out loud and clear as soon as she says how Mommy does it “right”.

STOP UNGREYING THIS ASSHOLE I’m getting tired of flagging ghetto lottery (TfuckingM) every damn thread.

Truly independent and confidential committees for investigating police misconduct would be a good start. With authority to suspend cops without pay if the evidence against is overwhelming enough to be brought to a judge. And the ability to actually protect any whistleblowers who approach em.

Bad phrasing, I will grant you that.