
Here’s hoping he wastes a fuckton of his own personal money to see Calley fail*. Fuck Colbeck so so SO SO SO fucking much, but that son of a bitch is riling up the racists and the Dem race is so crazy that people probably aren’t as likely to cross primary tickets as usual. And Schuette is a fucking asshole too but

We’ve been on that road to hell for some time now. #unlikelyvoiceofreason #anyportinastorm

“What a time to be alive and, preferably, blackout drunk.”

I have a partner that works at 5 AM and our backyard lines up with the parking lot/back.lot of a bar.

Same here. That’s some good internetin’.

My best HS friend’s family still had canned Government Rations on a shelf in their basement. I just remember cans that said “PEAS” “CORN” etc in black print on a white label and something about gov issue on the back. They were doing ok at that point but juuuuuust in case...

I wonder if anyone’s done a comparison on lottery winners where they’ve got to disclose their identity vs where they don’t. It’s easier to think rationally when you don’t have every relation and friend guilt tripping you.

Winter Of Our Discontent by Steinbeck has a great list of Rules To Follow During And After You Rob A Bank, and I imagine most of em apply here. (Don’t tell anyone, hide it for a good while, then take out a bit at a time and don’t be ostentatious about spending iirc).

It was all OK. It was just funny to have a reason for being late that wasn’t my sleep disorder (and as she’s cool when that comes up periodically, we both knew I didn’t have to make such a crazy excuse up...).


I don’t know. I’ve actually been behind a car that dropped a open duffel bag full of money on a windy day... Out a door inexplicably opened... At a stop light... and after they sped off and the rest of us woke up from “what the fuck just happened” (it was like 8 AM) everyone just hit their hazards and worked to pick

I wear tights quite often, so that probably figures in. Totally not surprised it was a marketing gimmick (of course it was!). My Mom was/is all for enforcing beauty norms but also not spending money, so I spent my teen years navigating those 50 cent a pop pink disposable razors and nylons that ripped if you looked at

(Guesses 101.5)

I’m not gonna go searching now, but there’s a model I follow on Insta just because people flipped the heck out on her when she posed with hairy legs proudly up front. I shave mine for my own comfort but 1) to each their dang own and 2) it was a big enough uproar that it made the news oh, guess I found it:

You are DEFINITELY not crazy.

We have a local non profit that hires actors to go out and “check” housing discrimination claims (and follows up legally speaking if they confirm bias). Worth checking if there’s something like that in your area for the heck of it...

Cept according to her Twitter she’s just done one tournament this year (and went out holding a AA to someone else’s A6, 66 came up, poker is a cruel mistress).

Hello Darkness my old friend...

Deserves to be ungreyed. Thanks for the legwork.