
Very Taffy Factory esque re: let’s go after crazy legend and it turns out to be true!

A friend of mine tried the fortified OJ and Vodka diet for awhile. (Male friend too). It worked for him, but just because thin gaunt goth punk rocker was what he was going for.

My Polish-German and Irish*-Italian household approves of your list.

Yep, my point - that image in particular shows how fucked up the mentality is. Even ignoring basic don’t point your goddamn gun at anything or one you unless you want them dead rule of thumb, it’s also completely counterproductive to descalation.

“When we send our soldiers to occupy foreign countries, they often have rules of engagement that state they may not fire unless fired upon”

Thank you SO MUCH. That was told wonderfully and I needed the laugh.

This show is effing awesome. That is all.

You and me both.

Even though there is the whole confession thing, that’s no free pass, because there is a crushing guilt that comes with being a Catholic. Whether things are good or bad or you’re simply... eating tacos in the park, there is always... the crushing... guilt.

Indeed. Damn. That’s some proper research there.

Might just be in regards to that work in particular. I know Irish prejudice definitely was a factor through the civil war - it wasn’t magically fixed in 1840.

It’s like EAT, times 4!

Some of the best days I’ve had organizing have been, no joke, in trailer parks. Maybe I didn’t hit up the Whites Only ones. Having a bunch of giggling kids running behind you door to door and helping translate when needed, then just jumping ahead and announcing your presence and basically doing your job before you get

Please post the post-it.

Every now and then and more often these days when being a Michigander is frustrating as hell, I remember Indiana exists.

I mean... Racists are everywhere. Even Canada (cough, First Nations, cough).

Fuck Stabenow and Peters who should damn well know better. Called both out on SM, calling offices tomorrow, and raising hell the next time I see either. Because ordinary Michiganders aren’t screwed enough as it is.

Our admin costs run 8+%. In countries that have universal care - AND FOR MEDICARE - it’s at 1-3%.

Winter Of Our Discontent by Steinbeck actually lists the rules for successfully committing a robbery pretty well. Definitely included in that list is DON’T TELL ANYONE IDIOT. Memory is rusty but I do remember “hide the money and just spend a little here and there at a time so you don’t around suspicion” and “no dames”