
I was about the same age and have absolutely no Pokemon experience growing up. But I like going out and exploring and such and it’s a fun thing to do while I’m doing that.

I stopped by my office on the edge of a residential area and about 15 folks were at the raid around the corner (my BF asked them to wait while he ran to let me know, aww). 4 more were waiting to start when we left. BF got Luigi earlier near our home one town over and said there were 20+ people. (Shrug).

It works just fine on wifi. And you’re right about the organizers.


I don’t mind. Kinda reminds me of disc golfing around here - there’s a good # of dudes (and ladies but skews male) are REALLY into it. While I’m decidedly not in that group, I can appreciate that their interest means I’ve got a bunch of local options for chilling with friends or getting ecig supplies (definitely more

And experiment with flavors and get one set of extra batteries.

Just under a month, working for me. Partner at a year, several friends as well. Invest in a decent setup that you like (I know it’s your partner, but in general) - I had some cheap ones before that didn’t do it. A friend recommended getting as high nicotine as you can handle then titrating back. I also spent 5 days

Started at 21.

Quit 3+ weeks now. Thank you ecigs. My partner quit about a year ago with em* and while the “vape culture” is a little silly at least the (MUCH smaller) amount of $ we spend - even me in under a month - is almost entirely going to local small businesses too. Win win.

Why ban ecigs too? Seriously. I smoked a pack a day until 3 weeks ago. I’ve had one since. Guess what worked when gum and shaming and willpower alone didn’t. Same for my partner. Same for my friend who started at 16. Etc...

I am not a cat person but catios are kinda awesome.

Now that’s useful info. TY.

My sudden realization was when I started doing community organizing and canvassing with African American co-workers. I did the work for years on my own with a cop check in / pause here and there, ID never ran. When I worked in pairs we’d both get IDs run, questioned repeatedly, run out of town on threat of arrest

Everything is cheaper than a dorm. I once had a schedule where I literally couldn’t make enough meals for the smallest meal plan while cafeterias are open, so I converted my meal plan to Disney I mean University Food Dollars. I think I got “$”3 a meal than I actually paid in real dollars. Of course it had to be

Now THAT is a fundraising idea for the charity.

If you have an illness that isn’t obvious visually, it’s a real and stupid internal debate as it is*.

Don’t forget the economic disparity. If you’re working or even middle class and manage to get in, you likely don’t have the time or (especially) the dues. Certain non “traditional” frats aside.

ALL THE STARS. Seriously!

Maybe a bit of both? But the population argument is made null and void by the action where I live and where I work (both college towns, lots of stops, lots of spawns) and my parents home in relatively dense suburbia with plenty of cell phones but no landmarks (barely anything)

I don’t live in a rural area, but I like to visit em to go hiking, and it is kinda sad. Hiking is fine, I just rack up miles, but it’d be nice to play while getting dinner in town or whatever...