
The Bugle, because it’s still pretty damn great. And No Such Thing As A Fish.

At least bitch slapped, although I bet if he did, even though she doesn’t see color, I’d wager dollars to donuts she’d say it was a race crime.

By all means. It might be getting a bit threadbare....

(tips hat). *Awesome*! I totally need to bookmark CBC comedy, because laughing makes things better and I run out of Colbert/Bee/Oliver/Bugle/Onion too fast...

1. Are the things she’s calling about illegal? Within reason freedom of assembly is a thing, and in most places you need to be pretty damn loud to pass the noise threshold.

I’m just gonna leave this here because it speaks for its shitty self:

Thanks for funding CBC! We’re binging Murdoch.

I mean... we were struggling before, getting by wise. So that hasn’t changed much for me personally just yet, but the cloud is looming.

White people don’t gather in groups drinking, I guess? Wait, that can’t be it...

I had a brief stint digitizing analog media, and someone actually paid to have a Ben Carson lecture on VHS converted. Of course, you can’t speed it up (well on our equipment anyway), you have to let the tape play out as you do other things. Whatever I got paid it wasn’t enough, and this predated his full on crazy.

I have been wearing this one out myself.

Christ, that’s horrible.



Paraphrasing Colbert [character]:

Fine, but this is still a stretch:

Ha!!!!! The crochet TP doll cover! Oh memories.

Now playing

But you could already put it on Newsradio; how could you top that?

(they were individual round pizza things. Feel I should clairify how the dough could just fall out - the outer edge was just baked enough to hold in one piece, but the inside not as much.