If I didn’t know he had a wife and what field of work she’s in, 11/10 for me.
If I didn’t know he had a wife and what field of work she’s in, 11/10 for me.
He had Sedaris and Dinello on TCR at one point.
Porcelain sinks are just magnets for broken glass. I’ve broken exactly one glass in the sink in my life (and i still don’t think I did, cheap French press)... Til we had a porcelain sink. Lost half dozen or more the year we lived there, including my favorite pint glasses :(
Knock knock.
Feel free to remind them when the 2018 primaries come up.
I had a casual friend who was partying with a different circle of friends one night in college. I don’t remember the details anymore other than she was incredibly drunk (when she did drink, she *really* drank.) and they were worried, but being idiot underage college kids didn’t want to get in trouble.
Fourth attempt to type a reply. Fuck you, Kinja.
I was kinda getting tired of so many stories with the same details rehashed over and over as outlets realized the entertainment value....
I would generally agree with you. The best legislators I’ve know have amazing staff, and I’m not so naive to think the Rep or Sen poura over every detail.
Truth, but you should be smart enough to at least demand a good one+ pager for certain bills. This one obviously being one your vote would be scrutinized on. Cover your ass (or get better staffers who aren’t afraid to tell you when to do so*)
...igent enough to figure that out? Or at least try to over their ass at worst, to save a life at best,?
I honestly can’t understand this:
They jail WITNESSES to crimes at 50k.
Tangentially related:
Just... Don’t do his laundry. Crazy concept.
I’m of Polish/German heritage and date an artisinal bread Baker.
Although that being said, if their parish does shame ‘em, here’s hoping it’s directed solely at the husband.
Eh, I knew polygamous Catholics... And gay Catholics... And transitioning... And a whole lot of contraception using Catholics (I mean, go to any suburban church. You can count the families who are obviously following directive on one hand max, and the rest can’t all be celibate except when they were making their 2.5…
Thanks, me too. Pretty good at it but I’ve had my fill of container gardening. :)
Different work insurance now, but work at a non profit that somehow fanangles better terms than my SO’s work (well known for being “employee friendly” and praised by Obama as being an example although his only option now is a fucking HSA, sigh. On the “plus” side he’s relatively healthy except for workplace…